Mentor: Professor
Ringwald E-mail: ringwald[at]
Phone: 278-8426
Also: 278-2371
Office: McLane Hall, Room 11, in the new Building J (or
Fresno State's Campus Observatory.
Click the following for:
The Campus Observatory is on the grounds of the Downing Planetarium, at
longitude 119.7447 degrees West, latitude 36.8147 degrees North, and
elevation 340 feet (104 m). (The local mean time correction is +1m
01.3s.) Its main telescope is a 16-inch
Meade LX200. The Campus Observatory is well instrumented, with a
wide variety of cameras and other equipment. For an equipment list and a
description of their performance, see here.
Science programs include:
Target-of-opportunity observations of the eruptions of classical
novae, with Dr. Greg Morgan and Fresno State undergraduate student
Matthew Garrett.
Discovering and timing transits of
extrasolar planets, with Fresno State undergraduate students Jesse
Rorabaugh and Matthew Garrett.
Variable star searches, particularly for hot, high-gravity stars
that heat cool companions that have undergone common
envelope evolution, with Fresno State graduate students Dan Chase and
Scott Endler.
Campaigns with the Center for Backyard
Astrophysics, hosted by Columbia University. CBA is a
global network of small telescopes, dedicated to observing cataclysmic
variable stars and their outbursts. This includes timing the spins,
disks, and orbits of cataclysmic variables, particularly SU UMa stars and intermediate
polars (listed
here). The Fresno State students involved were Randy Clark, Sarah
Lin, and Zachary Girazian.
Observations for Professor Ringwald's Hubble Space Telescope project
(with Steve
Saar), on the low states in the
magnetic cataclysmic variables AM Her and AR UMa, with Fresno State
graduate student Michelle Meyers.
Observations simultaneous with NASA's Chandra X-ray
Observatory and Rossi X-ray Timing
Explorer spacecraft, on accretion during a high state in the
magnetic cataclysmic variable AM Her, with Dr. Greg Morgan.
If you're interested, please read the following:
On many projects we collaborate with the Central Valley Astronomers, Fresno's
amateur club, who are a huge help!
If you are a Fresno State student or CVA member and have your own ideas
for projects, particularly if they describe a specific, plausible path
from telescope to finished scientific objective, which we can do with
the equipment we have now, please contact Professor Ringwald.
(2) Other astronomical observing, as the opportunities arise:
Fresno State's station at Sierra Remote
Click the following for:
For the other observatories at Sierra Remote, which are not affiliated with Fresno State,
click the following:
Please note:
Fresno State's station is now permanently CLOSED.
This is because Professor Ringwald will be retiring on 2026 July 1.
The other observatories at Sierra Remote are alive and
The first eight Sierra Remote Observatories were built in 2007. The project was founded by
Dr. Greg Morgan, Dr. Keith Quattrochi,
and Dr. Mel Helm, all of whom were members of the Central
Valley Astronomers.
The observatories are at a dark site at 4610' altitude, near Shaver Lake. Fresno State's
telescope was in Observatory #7. My students are I operated it mainly from campus, 41 miles
away, by remote control over the internet.
Science programs included:
Time-resolved photometry of
cataclysmic variables, including the discovery of apsidal superhumps and nodal
superhumps in several systems (with Fresno State students Kenia
Velasco, Jonathan Roveto, Michelle Meyers, Jerry Rude, and Dillon
Time-resolved photometry of the
outbursts of soft X-ray transients/black hole candidates (with Fresno State
graduate student Dillon Trelawny)
Searches for
superflares and related chromospheric activity in solar-like stars,
suspected to be enhanced by magnetized planets such as hot Jupiters
(with Fresno State graduate students Randy Clark, Jerry Rude, Dillon
Trelawny, and Armando Guerrero)
Last updated 2024 October 28. Web page by Professor Ringwald
(ringwald[at] and replace [at] with @)
Department of Physics,
California State University,
Fresno. Please read this disclaimer.