Introduction to the observatory, for users:
Papers published in refereed journals:
On the Search For
Transits of the Planets Orbiting Gl 876 (2006), by Shankland, P. D.,
Rivera, E. J., Laughlin, G., Blank, D. L., Price, A., Gary, B., Bissinger,
R., Ringwald, F. A., White, G., Henry, G. W., McGee, P., Wolf, A. S.,
Carter, B., Lee, S., Biggs, J., Monard, B., & Ashley, M. C. B. 2006,
Astrophysical Journal, vol. 653, p. 700.
(2) Spectra
and Light Curve Analysis of Nova V475 Scuti (2005), by Morgan, G.
E., Ringwald, F. A., Buil, C., & Garrett, M., Publications of the
Astronomical Society of the Pacific, vol. 117, p. 385.
(1) Early
Post-Maximum Spectral Evolution of the Fast Novae V4742 Sagittarii and
V4743 Sagittarii (2003), by Morgan, G. E., Ringwald, F. A., & Prigge,
J., Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, vol. 344, p. 521.
Abstracts of posters shown at American Astronomical Society
(3) A
Photometric Monitoring Campaign to Check for Planetary Transits of GJ
876 (2005), by Shankland, P. D., Blank, D., Laughlin, G., Price, A.,
Gary, B., Bissinger, R., Ringwald, F., (33 other authors), Bulletin of the
American Astronomical Society, volume 37, #9.08.
Imaging and Science at Fresno State's Campus Observatory (2004), by
Ringwald, F. A., Morgan, G. E., Chase, D. W., Culver, J. M., Endler, S. S.,
Garrett, M. P., Hathaway, A. J., Lake, P. A., Lin, S. M., Meyers, M. E.,
Prigge, J. W., Reynolds, D. S., Rodarte, A. L., Severson, R. W., Jr., &
Walters, S. E., Bulletin of the American Astronomical Society, volume 36,
page 1600.
(1) Fresno
State's New Campus Observatory (2002), by Ringwald, F. A., Prigge, J.
W., White, S. J., Cowley, A. I., Morgan, G. E., Bellis, B. K., Cardoza, E.
D., Endler, S. S., Guenther, H. D., Reyna, G., Rorabaugh, J. D., & Severson,
R. W., Jr., Bulletin of the American Astronomical Society, volume 34, page
This was carried out as part of CSUURE, the NSF-sponsored
Research Experiences for Undergraduates (REU) program at San Diego State:
Abstracts of posters shown at the Central California Research
(3) Imaging and Science at Fresno State's Campus Observatory, 2003-2004
(2004), by Ringwald, F. A., Morgan, G. E., Chase, D. W., Culver, J. M.,
Endler, S. S., Garrett, M. P., Hathaway, A. J., Meyers, M. E., Prigge,
J. W., Reynolds, D. S., Rodarte, A. L., Severson, Jr., R. W.
(2) Studies of the Spectra of Three Nova Eruptions at Fresno State
(2004), by Morgan, G. E., Ringwald, F. A., Garrett, M. P., Prigge, J. W.
(1) Fresno State's New Campus Observatory (2003), by Ringwald, F. A.,
White, S. J., Cowley, A. I., Morgan, G. E., Prigge, J. W., Endler, S. S.,
Guenther, H. D., Bellis, B. K., Cardoza, E. D., Reyna, G., Rorabaugh, J.
D., Severson, Jr., R. W.
Article in Astronomy magazine, the popular-level magazine for
amateur astronomers with the largest circulation in the world:
This image from the Campus Observatory was the Lunar Photo of the Day:
Articles in The
Observer, the newsletter of the Central Valley Astronomers:
(15) ToUcam
Imaging of the Moon at the CSUF Campus Observatory (2008
January/February), by F. Ringwald.
(14) A
Campus Observatory Image of the North America Nebula (2008
January/February), by F. Ringwald.
(13) The Rosette Nebula at Fresno State's Campus
Observatory (2007 September/October), by F. Ringwald.
(12) Campus Observatory H alpha Images of the
Last Quarter Moon (2004 February), by F. Ringwald and Scott Endler.
(11) Adaptive Optics at Fresno State's Campus
Observatory (2003 December), by F. Ringwald.
(10) Wide-Field Imaging at Fresno State's Campus
Observatory (2003 October), by F. Ringwald.
(9) H alpha Imaging of the Moon at the Campus
Observatory (2003 September), by F. Ringwald.
(8) A New Hubble Space Telescope Project for
Fresno State (2003 June), by F. Ringwald.
(7) Jovian System Dynamics Come Alive!
(2003 May), by Greg Morgan.
(6) Adaptive Optics Available at CSU Fresno
Observatory (2003 April), by Greg Morgan.
(5) Instruments and
Science Programs at Fresno State's Campus Observatory (2003 March), by
F. Ringwald.
(4) CSU Fresno 16" SCT at f/38 & Jupiter's
Great Red Spot (2003 March), by Greg Morgan.
(3) Observing Saturn's Shadow Dance (2003
January), by Greg Morgan.
(2) A New Nova Eruption in Sagittarius (2002
October), on observations with the AO-7 adaptive optics guider, by Greg
Morgan and F. Ringwald.
(1) First Light With the Campus ST-8 and 16" LX200: M3
(2002 July), on first-image tests of the telescope's and camera's limiting
magnitude and image resolution, by Greg Morgan, John Prigge, and Gabe
Go to Dr. Ringwald's page on Research
Opportunities for Students, Teachers, and Amateur Astronomers
Last updated 2014 June 11. Web page by Dr. Ringwald
(ringwald[at] and replace [at] with @)
Department of Physics, California State University, Fresno.
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