With the Central Valley Astronomers at Courtright Reservoir, 2006 Summer

The drive to Courtright Resevoir passes through a grove of Sequoias.

Although the night before was lovely, we had some bad weather on June 24.

The canopy I was under was broken by the wind later that afternoon.

The weather was great on July 22. To get to the observing site, one must drive over the dam that defines Courtright Reservoir.

This is looking down, from the dam.

Courtright Reservoir is one of the few places where an electric utility can store significant amounts of energy by pumping water uphill.

This is Courtright Reservoir.

Greg Morgan and I once kayaked out to that rock.

Marty Roberts proudly shows off his 12.5-inch Newtonian equatorial from Coulter Optics.

The Central Valley Astronomers pass the day terrestrial observing.

They were looking at someone climbing that granite peak.

The observing spot at Courtright has a large, flat area, well suited for setting up telescopes.

This view is to the right of the previous view.

Dave and Nancy Artis relax and wait for sunset.

Marty's 12.5-inch Newtonian gives striking views of deep-sky objects.

Marty uses his full-aperture solar filter on the Sun.

I usually do astrophotography from about here, on the south end of the observing site.

One needs to be careful, since dropped items can roll down the steep slope.

The majestic Sierra Nevada are to the left of the previous view.

This view is to the left of the previous view.

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Last updated 2024 May 7. Web page by Professor Ringwald (ringwald[at]csufresno.edu and replace [at] with @)
Department of Physics, California State University, Fresno. Please read this disclaimer.