Observing run at Kitt Peak National Observatory, near Tucson, Arizona, 2003 September 2-5

Fresno State students Dave Reynolds and John Prigge walk up to the 2.1-m (84-inch) telescope at Kitt Peak National Observatory.
Look at the Moon!

The 2.1-m telescope at Kitt Peak National Observatory was built in 1962. A comparable instrument would cost $5 million today.

Fresno State student Dave Reynolds is briefed on operating the 2.1-m telescope by KPNO staff associate Bill Gillespie.

Fresno State student Dave Reynolds waves from the path to Kitt Peak National Observatory's 2.1-m telescope, with other telescopes in the background.

Fresno State student Dave Reynolds stands under the National Solar Observatory's McMath-Pierce Solar Telescope, the largest solar telescope in the world.

Baboquivari Peak, here seen from Kitt Peak, is regarded as the center of the Universe by the Tohono O'odham tribe who live nearby. It is fitting that it is on a direct line of sight to the national observatory.

This is another view of the 2.1-m telescope. At the right is the 0.9-m Coudé Feed Telescope, used to gather starlight for the coude spectrograph in the 2.1-m dome, when the 2.1-m telescope is being used with another instrument.

This is a close-up of the coudé feed, behind the 2.1-m telescope dome.

The 1.2-m Calypso telescope, on Kitt Peak, was privately built by Edgar Smith, an amateur astronomer interested in high-resolution imaging of globular clusters. The last time a wealthy amateur used a comparable amount of his own money to build a state-of-the-art telescope primarily for science observations he intended to do himself was Percival Lowell, in 1894.

Kitt Peak in early afternoon, from the catwalk of the 2.1-m telescope

Kitt Peak in late afternoon, from the catwalk of the 2.1-m telescope

The McMath-Pierce Solar Telescope is seen from the catwalk of the 2.1-m telescope. Behind it is the National Solar Observatory's Solar Vacuum Telescope: the poles around it are lightning rods.

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Last updated 2024 May 7. Web page by Professor Ringwald (ringwald[at]csufresno.edu and replace [at] with @)
Department of Physics, California State University, Fresno. Please read this disclaimer.