NSci 116 Energy, Technology, and Society - 2002 Fall

Course syllabus: please read carefully.

Instructor: Dr. Ringwald
E-mail: ringwald[at]csufresno.edu and replace [at] with @

Phone: 278-8426
Also: 278-2371 (secretary)

Office hours: MTWF 1-2, T 12-1
Office: McLane Hall, Room 11, in the new Building J (or "J-wing").
This is across the outdoor "hall" from McLane 149 and 151.

You don't need an appointment to come in during office hours. This is time set aside for you, when I will be in.

Please feel free to contact me, if you have any problems whatsoever in this course: or if you're doing well, and just want to talk about energy and the environment. It's in our interest, and it matters to me, that you do well!

Course Description (from the CSUFresno 2002-2003 General Catalog): (3 credits). Not open to engineering students. Prerequisites: NSCI 1A and 1B. Examines the role that chemistry, physics, and technology play in our society. Designed especially for students planning careers as elementary school teachers.

Class objectives:
(1) To serve as a conceptual physics course, with emphasis on energy generation and use, and their effects on the environment.
(2) To run the course as a seminar, encouraging student participation.
(3) To promote student understanding of scientific method, and to practice critical thinking and reasoning skills, useful both in and outside of science.
(4) To examine the interaction between science, technology, and society, in the context of "the energy crisis."
(5) To provide experience with quantitative reasoning and graphics, again useful both in and outside of science.

Mathematics: This course will require the use of some algebra and basic geometry, but mainly a lot of arithmetic. We will also use scientific notation, units conversions, and proportions.

Course meeting times and location: Schedule 35825 (section 05): MW 2-3:15 p.m., in McLane 162.

Holidays: September 2 (Labor Day), November 27 (Thanksgiving)

Required Course Texts:

Recommended Course Texts: All should be available at the campus Bookstore, in the University Student Union building.

Required Course Equipment: (1) Clear plastic ruler; (2) Scientific calculator (that has scientific notation, and can calculate logarithmic and exponential functions)

Course web page: http://zimmer.csufresno.edu/~fringwal/nsci116.html

Course grades will be awarded for the following final percentages:
85.0-100% = A; 70.0-84.9% = B; 55.0-69.9% = C; 40.0-54.9% = D; 0-39.9% = F.
These percentages will be computed with the following weights:

Please note:

Click here for the Writing Guide for Research Papers

Go to Dr. Ringwald's NSci 116 (Energy, Technology, and Society) home page, for News

Go to Dr. Ringwald's home page

Last updated 2003 April 23. Web page by Dr. Ringwald (ringwald[at]csufresno.edu and replace [at] with @)
Department of Physics, California State University, Fresno