Instructor: Dr.
Ringwald E-mail: ringwald[at] and replace [at] with @
Phone: 278-8426 |
Office hours (between January 19 and May 13):
MWF 1-2, MW
4:30-5:30, Th 11-12, and at other times too, but please call or
e-mail first.
Office: McLane Hall, Room 11, in the new Building J (or "J-wing").
This is across the outdoor "hall" from McLane 149, 151, and 161 (near
the Women's Room).
You don't need an appointment to come to office hours. This is time
set aside for you, when I'll be in.
Class objectives:
(1) To serve that most essential purpose of a good education: to show you
what lies beyond the horizon, in space and in time.
Meeting times and location: Schedule 38987 (Section 03),
4-8 p.m. on February 11, 8-4 p.m. on February 12,
4-8 p.m. on April 22, 8-4 p.m. on April 23.
All meetings will be in McLane 162, unless announced otherwise.
Required Course Texts:
(1) The Science Class You Wish You Had, by David E. Brody and Arnold R.
Brody, which I'll refer to as Brody.
(2) The Stars, A New Way to See Them, by H. A. Rey.
(3) The Class Notes (in the red binder) for PSci 21 (Elementary
If the bookstore has run out of the Class Notes, if you go
to Kennel Copy Center, in the basement of the bookstore, they can make
Recommended, but not required Course Texts:
(4) Discovering the Essential Universe (2nd edition), by Neil F. Comins
(2003), which I'll refer to as Comins.
(5) The Elements of Style, by W. Strunk Jr. and E. B. White.
All should be available at the campus Bookstore, in the University Student
Union building. They should be on the same shelf as the PSci 21 (Elementary
Astronomy) texts. If they are unavailable there, they can also be obtained
from Amazon books (
If you can't afford books: You may borrow copies of any of the above texts from the Circulation Desk at Madden Library (278-4024), for two hours at a time. They should be with the PSci 21 (Elementary Astronomy) texts.
Course web page: Better bookmark
this one!
Course grades will be CR/NC (Credit/No Credit), with CR corresponding
to A-D, and NC corresponding to F, in which:
85.0-100% = A; 70.0-84.9% =
B; 55.0-69.9% = C; 40.0-54.9% = D; 0-39.9% = F.
Grades should be available online (at on June 1.
These percentages will be computed with the following weights:
TENTATIVE Course Schedule (updated 2005 February 10):
February 11 | 4-5 p.m. | Introduction; Powers of Ten |
5-6 p.m. | The Light-Year and Look-Back Time (Comins 1) | |
6-7 p.m. | Proportions; A Brief Tour of Space and Time (Comins 1) | |
7-8 p.m. | The Cosmic Calendar (Comins 1) | |
8 p.m. to late | OPTIONAL telescope observing at Fresno State's Campus Observatory, near the Downing Planetarium, weather permitting. | |
February 12 | 8-9 a.m. | Classical Astronomy and Seasons (Comins 1, Rey) |
9-10 a.m. | Classical Astronomy (continued) | |
10-11 a.m. | Scientific Method (Comins 1) | |
11-12 a.m. | Scientific Method (Brody Introduction) | |
12-1 p.m. | Lunch | |
1-2 p.m. | Motion, from Copernicus to Galileo (Comins 2; Brody 1 and 2) | |
2-3 p.m. | Motion, from Galileo to Newton (Comins 2; Brody 3) | |
3-4 p.m. | Newton's laws of motion (Comins 2; Brody 3) | |
4 p.m. to late | OPTIONAL Star Party with the Central Valley Astronomers, at the Buck Ridge Recreation area at Hensley Lake State Park, weather permitting. Dress warmly! |
April 22 | 4-5 p.m. | The Solar System (Comins 2-10, 2-11) and Extrasolar Planets (Comins 2-12) |
5-6 p.m. | Earth and Moon (Comins 4 and Brody 15) | |
6-7 p.m. | The Planets (Comins 5 and 6) | |
7-8 p.m. | The Sun and Nuclear Physics (Comins 7; Brody 6) | |
8 p.m. to late | OPTIONAL telescope observing at Fresno State's Campus Observatory, near the Downing Planetarium, weather permitting. | |
April 23 | 8-9 a.m. | Stars (Comins 8) |
9-10 a.m. | Interstellar Matter and Star Formation (Comins 9) | |
10-11 a.m. | White Dwarfs and Neutron Stars (Comins 10) | |
11-12 a.m. | Black Holes and Relativity (Brody 7 and 8) | |
12-1 p.m. | Lunch | |
1-2 p.m. | The Milky Way; Galaxies and Hubble's Law (Comins 11) | |
2-3 p.m. | Cosmology (Comins 12; Brody 9, 10, and 11) | |
3-4 p.m. | Final Quiz (which will be comprehensive) | |
7-9 p.m. | OPTIONAL Meeting of the Central Valley Astronomers, in East Engineering 191. |
Lab Safety: NSci 140T lab sessions are entirely optional, and necessarily take place after dark, because the object of study is the night sky. If safety becomes a concern, the Campus Police provide an escort program. Radio-equipped, uniformed, trained escort officers will accompany persons to their destinations on campus during hours of darkness. Call 278-2132, or pick up an emergency phone to request an escort officer. Be sure to check their badges before going anywhere with them. The Campus Police also provide car battery assistance and other services. They can be reached in an emergency by calling 911.
Don't miss class. Listening to lectures and participating in discussions are much more effective than reading someone else's class notes. Active participation is even better: it will help you retain what you are learning.
Sorry, but Dr. Ringwald cannot give a make-up quiz for the Final Quiz, nor can Dr. Ringwald give the Final Quiz in advance, not even for students who have legitimate reasons for being absent (e.g. job interviews, illness documented by a physician's note, deaths in the immediate family that can be documented), or for students who are participating in University-sponsored activities, such as athletics or theatre. If any student must miss the Final Quiz, the part of the course grade for which that mid-term exam would have counted will be voided, and the rest of the grade will be counted as 100%.
This is really the only possible solution, since it takes about eight hours of Dr. Ringwald's time to prepare one of his cheat-proof quizzes, each of which must be different for every student who wants a make-up quiz or a quiz in advance. It is therefore quite impossible for Dr. Ringwald to give make-up quizzes or quizzes in advance without very substantial additional cost in his time Scheduling make-up quizzes or quizzes in advance is also not humanly possible for Dr. Ringwald: during Dr. Ringwald's first semesters at Fresno State he did allow this, and quickly found it impossible to accomodate every student who wanted them, because there simply aren't enough hours in the week for it. This left no choice but to end the practice altogether of giving make-up quizzes and quizzes in advance. Even with smaller classes, one can never be sure that a makeup or advance quiz was really fair, since it must be different from the regular quiz.
If for any reason any student leaves the classroom while an exam is being given, that student may not re-enter the classroom as long as that exam is still taking place. The student's leaving the exam will be taken to signify that the student has finished that exam. This includes trips to the bathroom, so plan ahead.
Since during exams Dr. Ringwald needs to supervise the exam, he will not be able to discuss students' grades or assignment deadlines or to accept assignments, until the exam is over. Dr. Ringwald will be happy to answer any questions about the content of the exam in progress, however.
All students are required to remove hats with brims and sunglasses during all exams, because they have in the past been used to aid cheating. Students may not use calculators, pagers, cell phones, or any other devices that can communicate outside the classroom during exams. This constitutes cheating, and any students caught cheating, in this or any other way, will receive an NC for the entire course.
The above grading scale will not be moved: how any student's grade is determined doesn't depend on any other student's grade. If there is a dispute in the grading of the exams, the Final Exam, or the final grade, then a student can present their case to Dr. Ringwald one time during his Office Hours, or at some other time that can arranged mutually between the student and Dr. Ringwald. If after this the student still feels that their exam, Final Exam, or overall grade deserves another look the student can write down their reasons for Dr. Ringwald to reconsider his grading. This written request must be typed and must be a minimum of 1/2 page single space for exam or Final Exam questions, and a minimum of 1 page single spaced for the overall grade. Dr. Ringwald expects that most of these rules will never be used, since the single face to face meeting is usually enough to figure out whether the grade should be changed or not.
Modifying someone else's paper slightly, or changing the words around, or stringing someone else's paragraphs together, even if they're cited, is no better: none of these dubious practices make it your paper. For information on the University's policy regarding cheating and plagiarism, refer to the Schedule of Courses (Legal Notices on Cheating and Plagiarism) and the University Catalog (Policies and Regulations).
If Dr. Ringwald finds a plagiarized paper, the student will receive an NC (No Credit grade) for the entire course. Dr. Ringwald may also send the plagiarized paper to the Dean and other university authorities and recommend the student be expelled from the University. Do NOT plagiarize!
Last updated 2005 February 10. Web page by Dr. Ringwald
(ringwald[at] and replace [at] with @
Department of Physics,
California State University,
Fresno. Please read this disclaimer.