PHYS 175T Computational Physics |
Instructor | Phone | Office | 2001 Fall Office hours | |
Dr. Ringwald | 278-8426 | ringwald[at] and replace [at] with @ | McLane 11 (J wing) | MWF 1-3 |
Dr. Singleton | 278-2523 | - | McLane 24 (J wing) | MW 11-1, TTh 10-11 |
Course description (3 credits): Applications of computers to physics. C/C++ programming review. Errors, uncertainties, and algorithms. Numerical methods: integration, differentiation. Data modeling and curve fitting. Deterministic randomness, Monte Carlo applications. Differential equations and oscillations. Non-linear and complex phenomena: fractals, chaos. Prerequisites: PHYS 4ABC and CSci 15 or CSci 40.
Required course text: Computational Physics, by Rubin H. Landau and Manuel
J. Páez (1997)
Also recommended: Numerical Recipes in C, by W. Press et al. (1992) (in
C++ due 2002 February)
Class web page:
The text's web page, with programs and tutorials, is at:
Week | Monday | Wednesday | Project (due next Wednesday) |
1 | 8/27: Ch. 1 Intro, C/C++ language | 8/29: Ch.2 Software basics | 2.6 area, 2.13 over/underflows, 2.15 machine precision (due 9/05) |
2 | 9/03: Holiday | 9/05: Ch.2 | 2.18 complex numbers, 2.23 summing series (due 9/12) |
3 | 9/10: Ch. 3 Errors & uncertainties | 9/12: Ch.3 | 3.14 errors (due 9/19) |
4 | 9/17: Ch. 4 Integration | 9/19: Ch. 4 | 4.8 integration error (due 10/03) |
5 | 9/24: Ch. 5 Data Fitting | 9/26: Ch. 6 Deterministic Randomness | - |
6 | 10/01: Review |
10/03: Mid-Term Exam 1 (covering Chapters 1-4) | 5.5 interpolation, 5.17 fitting heat flow (due 10/10) |
7 | 10/08: Ch. 7 Monte Carlo methods | 10/10: Ch. 7 | 6.4, 6.6 random sequences and uniformity (due 10/17) |
8 | 10/15: Ch. 8 Differentiation; Ch. 9 ODEs & Oscillations | 10/17: Ch. 9 ODEs & Oscillations | 7.6 radioactive decay simulation (due 10/24) |
9 | 10/22: Ch. 9 ODEs & Oscillations | 10/24: Ch. 11 Anharmonic oscillations | 9.12, 9.13 linear & non-linear oscillations (due 10/31) |
10 | 10/29: Ch. 11 Anharmonic oscillations | 10/31: Ch. 12 Fourier analysis | 9.14 energy conservation with ODEs (due 11/07) |
11 | 11/05: Ch. 12 Fourier analysis | 11/07: Ch. 13 Nonlinear dynamics | 11.8 realistic pendulum with rk4; 11.11 damped oscillator (due 11/14) |
12 | 11/12: Ch. 13 Nonlinear dynamics | 11/14: Ch. 14 Chaos | 12.8 Fourier analysis (due 11/28) |
13 | 11/19: Ch. 14 Chaos; Also: Mid-Term Exam 2 due | 11/21: Holiday | 13.5, 13.6 bifurcation (due 11/28) |
14 | 11/26: Ch. 24 Fractals | 11/28: Ch. 24 Fractals | 14.8 chaotic pendulum (due 12/05) |
15 | 12/03: Special topics | 12/05: Special topics | 24.3 Sierpinski gasket, 24.8 Fern, 24.10 Tree (due 12/12) |
16 | 12/10: Special topics | 12/12: Review | - |
Class objectives:
40% | Computer projects, due Wednesday of the week after they are assigned. | ||||||||
Mid-Term Exam 1 (in class, covering Chapters 1-4, on October 3)
Mid-Term Exam 2 (take-home, due November 19)
Final Exam (in class, open book & notes): Wednesday, December 19,
5:45-7:45 p.m. in McLane 258
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Sorry, but we don’t give make-up exams. If you must be absent, the exam grade will be voided and the remainder of the grade counted as 100%.
The Department of Physics cooperates with the Services for Students with Disabilities (SSD) to make reasonable accommodations for qualified students with physical, perceptual, or learning disabilities (cf. Americans with Disabilities Act and Section of 504, Rehabilitation Act). Students with disabilities should present their written accommodation request to Dr. Ringwald within the first two weeks of class.
Web page by Dr. Ringwald (ringwald[at] and replace [at]
with @)
Department of Physics,
California State University, Fresno