Astronomy picture of the day

PSci 21 Elementary Astronomy Lab Syllabus

2024 Fall

Please read carefully.

Please note: All students must register for a lab section, separately from the lecture section.

Lab objectives: PSci 21 laboratory is designed to give students the opportunity to learn and recognize the constellations, deep-sky objects, planets, lunar phases, and stars with the unaided eye and with telescopes. We will also study basic astronomical concepts in labs held in classrooms.

We want you to succeed in this course and to have fun learning about the night sky. Some of the topics may be difficult to understand so please feel free to ask questions both in and outside of lab. In addition to the activities in the lab manual, students will become familiar with the constellations, asterisms, and bright stars.

In-person labs for PSci 21 will be real labs with lab instructors available to help. In-person labs for PSci 21 will meet in the lab classrooms (McLane 258 or 264) at the regular times (5:30 p.m. or 7:30 p.m.) on the days of the labs.

PSci 21 lab instructors should discourage students from attending any lab sessions other than the one in which they are registered. We tried this in the past, and we found that it just isn't possible to keep accurate records for classes as large as PSci 21.

Most in-person labs will be due as paper copies, to be filled out and torn out of the PSci 21 lab manuals, by the end of each lab time each week. These times are 7:20 p.m. for labs meeting at 5:30 p.m., and 9:20 p.m. for labs meeting at 7:30 p.m.

Digital Campus Synchronous (also called Virtual Synchronous) labs for PSci 21 are essentially homework assignments. Each week during which PSci 21 labs are scheduled (see lab schedule below), each student will need to fill out the worksheets at the end of the assigned lab writeup in the PSci 21 Lab Manual. Each student will then need either to scan or to photograph their completed worksheet, and then attach this (preferably as a single pdf-format file) to an email. Each student will then need to send this email to the student's PSci 21 lab instructor, by 11:59 p.m. on Thursday of the week during which the lab will be run. Labs with answers simply typed into email will also be accepted, for labs that have answers can be typed into email. For example, drawings such as the star maps at the end of the lab on the Mystery Constellations can't be typed into email, so they need to be sent as email attachments.


For in-person labs: attendance to all labs is mandatory. You must attend the labs in the lab section in which you are registered: exceptions will be made only by written consent in advance of the instructor of the lab section in which you are registered, and even then, only for compelling reasons (e.g. job interview or illness documented by a physician's note).

For Digital Campus Synchronous (virtual) labs: Attendance to labs is NOT mandatory. However, all Digital Campus labs must be completed, either scanned or photographed, and emailed to each student's PSci 21 lab instructor by 11:59 p.m. on Thursday of the week in which the lab is scheduled.

For BOTH in-person and Digital Campus (virtual) labs: If for a compelling reason (such as a job interview or an illness documented by a physician's note) you must miss, or cannot complete a lab, the part of the lab grade that lab would have counted will be voided, and the rest of the lab grade will be counted as 100%. If you miss a lab without a compelling reason, or without written consent in advance from the instructor, or if you attend a lab other than the one in which you were registered without prior written consent of the instructor of the lab section in which you are registered, you will receive a zero for the lab. Any student with three or more unexcused absences from lab will receive an F in the entire PSci 21 course, which includes the lecture section.

For Fall 2024 semester:

We can't give make-up or advance labs, even for compelling, excused absences. This is because many labs use equipment (or views of the ever-changing sky) that will only be available for the week they're scheduled to be used. Labs missed for compelling, excused absences will be voided, and the rest of the lab grade will be counted as 100%.

Lab Safety: In-person astronomy lab sessions necessarily take place after dark, since the object of study is the night sky. If safety becomes a concern, the Campus Police provide an escort program. Radio-equipped, uniformed, trained escort officers will accompany persons to their destinations on campus during hours of darkness. Call 278-2132, or pick up an emergency phone to request an escort officer. Be sure to check their badges before going anywhere with them. The Campus Police also provide car battery assistance and other services. In case of a real emergency: call the the police at 911.

Assignments: For in-person labs, at the end of each night's lab, turn in your completed work for credit. Each lab is worth 20 points, and you will receive full credit only if all work is shown, correct, and complete. If the lab requires calculations, show your work! Also include the correct units: doing otherwise, or not showing your work, will be grounds for points being taken off.

Sometimes, it may take more than one week to complete the lab assignment. If you finish the assignment by the following week, you will be responsible for turning it in for complete credit. For in-person labs, lab work will only be accepted as paper copies, turned in during lab. For in-person labs, lab work will not be accepted as email, or as paper copies turned in at any time other than during lab.

You are encouraged to work together in groups. However, this must be genuine collaboration: not one person doing all the work, and the others copying. Therefore, do your write-ups separately: identical write-ups are a form of plagiarism. Cheating and plagiarism will not be tolerated and will be dealt with according to the terms stated in the University Catalog.

If there is any concern that an absence from class due to a university-sponsored event such as sports, theatre, or ROTC, or a family emergency, or a risk event such as a broken printer, might arise that would hinder any student from handing in assignments during the lab in which the work is due, the instructor recommends completing the assignment early, and turning it in during the lab in which it is due, or directly to the lecture instructor during class or office hours, at a time earlier than the due date, and even then only after written agreement in advance by both the student and the instructor.

Quizzes: There may be a quiz at the beginning of most of the in-person labs (see the schedule, below). The quizzes will cover the previous classroom lab (not at the Range) and also the material that we are covering the week of the quiz. Each quiz will be worth 10 points.

The Lab Final Quiz: During last lab, there will be a lab final quiz, worth 40 points. This will be comprehensive, covering all the material covered by all the previous quizzes and labs.

Grade: The points earned in the lab will be used by the lecture instructors to calculate your final grade in the course. The lab counts for 10% of the course grade. Letter grades are not assigned in the lab.

Students with Disabilities: Upon identifying themselves to the instructor and the university, students with disabilities will receive reasonable accommodation for learning and evaluation. For more information, contact Services to Students with Disabilities in the Henry Madden Library, Room 1202 (278-2811).

University Policies -- The following University policies can be found at:

University Services -- The following University services can be found at: THIS SYLLABUS AND SCHEDULE ARE SUBJECT TO CHANGE IN THE EVENT OF EXTENUATING CIRCUMSTANCES.

TENTATIVE Lab Schedule (updated 2024 July 8). Always read the lab description (in the blue Lab Manual) before lab and be ready for a quiz.

Week Dates Moon Lab
1 August
(August 19)
No labs
2 August
Last Quarter
(August 26)
In-person sections: Meet in the lab classrooms (McLane 258 or 264) and do:
Lab 1, Star Names, Maps, and Constellations.
Digital campus (virtual) lab sections: Do Lab 1, Star Names, Maps, and Constellations.
3 September
(September 2)
No labs: Labor Day holiday
4 September
First Quarter
(September 10)
In-person sections: Meet in the lab classrooms (McLane 258 or 264) and do:
Lab 2, The Mystery Constellations.
Digital campus (virtual) lab sections: Do Lab 2, The Mystery Constellations.
5 September
(September 17)
In-person sections: Meet in the lab classrooms (McLane 258 or 264), and do:
Lab 3, The Basics of Optics and Telescopes.
Digital campus (virtual) lab sections: Do Lab 16, Astronomy versus Astrology.
6 September
Last Quarter
(September 24)
In-person sections: Meet in the lab classrooms (McLane 258 or 264), and do:
Lab 4, How Many Stars are in the Milky Way?
Digital campus (virtual) lab sections: Lab 4, How Many Stars are in the Milky Way?
7 September 30 -
October 3
(October 2)
In-person sections: Meet in the lab classrooms (McLane 258 or 264), and do:
Lab 5, Graphing Day and Night.
Digital campus (virtual) lab sections: Do Lab 5, Graphing Day and Night.
8 October 7-10 First Quarter
(October 10)
In-person sections: Meet in the lab classrooms (McLane 258 or 264) and do:
Lab 6, Spectra: Fingerprinting the Elements.
Digital campus (virtual) lab sections: Do Lab 15, Roman Numerals.
9 October 14-17 Full
(October 17)
In-person sections: Meet in the lab classrooms (McLane 258 or 264) and do:
Lab 7, Kepler's Third Law.
Digital campus (virtual) lab sections: Do Lab 7, Kepler's Third Law.
10 October 21-24 Last Quarter
(October 24)
In-person sections: Meet in the lab classrooms (McLane 258 or 264) and do:
Lab 8, Exponential Growth and Decay.
Digital campus (virtual) lab sections: Do Lab 8, Exponential Growth and Decay.
11 October 28-31 New
(November 1)
In-person sections: Meet in the lab classrooms (McLane 258 or 264) and do:
Lab 9, The Hertzsprung-Russell Diagram.
Digital campus (virtual) lab sections: Do Lab 9, The Hertzsprung-Russell Diagram.
[NOTE TO LAB INSTRUCTORS: Please grade all labs, record the grades, and return all labs to the students during the November 4-7 labs.]
12 November 4-7 First Quarter
(November 8)
In-person sections: Meet in the lab classrooms (McLane 258 or 264) and do:
Lab 10, Life from Outer Space.
After briefing in the lab classrooms, the in-person sections will see a show at the Downing Planetarium.
[NOTE TO LAB INSTRUCTORS: For in-person sections, brief your labs first, then
bring them to the planetarium at 6:15 p.m. (for the 5:30 labs) and at 8:15 p.m. (for the 7:30 labs).]

Digital campus (virtual) lab sections: Do Lab 10, Life from Outer Space.
13 November 11-14 Full
(November 15)
No labs: Veterans Day holiday
14 November 18-21 Last Quarter
(November 22)
In-person sections: Meet in the lab classrooms (McLane 258 or 264) and do:
The Lab Final Quiz, covering all previous labs.
Digital campus (virtual) lab sections: Do the Lab Final Quiz, as a take-home quiz.
[NOTE TO LAB INSTRUCTORS: Assign Lab 11 (Classification of Galaxies) as homework, to be due during the December 2-5 labs.]
15 November 25-28 New
(November 30)
No labs: Thanksgiving break
16 December 2-5 First Quarter (December 8) In-person sections: Meet in the lab classrooms (McLane 258 or 264).
All students (BOTH in-person and Digtial Campus [virtual]) do in advance:
Lab 11, Classification of Galaxies, which will be due during the times of the December 2-5 labs, and won't be returned. [NOTE TO LAB INSTRUCTORS: Return and discuss the Lab Final Quiz, to prepare all students for the Final Exam.]
17 December 9-12 Full
(December 15)
No labs

Always bring to all labs:

(1) The (lunar blue) PSci 21 Lab Manual,
(2) The Stars, by H. A. Rey,
(3) A clear plastic ruler,
(4) A calculator,
(5) A flashlight (even for labs in the lab classrooms).

Driving directions and a map to the Range
are given at the end of the (lunar blue) PSci 21 Lab Manual.

They are also available online by clicking here.

Last updated 2024 July 11. Web page by Department of Physics, California State University, Fresno. Please read this disclaimer.