Structural differences between U.S. and foreign Law Enforcement


Two Tier Entry and two or three tier Rank Levels
Mittlerer, Gehobener, Höheren Dienst
Police Nationale (France)-link from Ministry of Interior Website

Off-line: Police Nationale (France) Requirements for Gardien de la paix

Junior Officers vs. Senior Officers
(Constables and Inspectors)

Lower Ranks and Upper Ranks
Abajo grados & Alto grados
Sub-alternos and Alternos
Oficiales and Sub-Oficiales
Off line

Agency management training and appointment to mid level rank at onset of career (Germany, France, Chile, Ecuador, etc.)
Lengthy probationary period
Help with living accomodations and internal health care
Organizational Structure and Policies based on LAW
















Example Ranks from the Nicaragua National Police

(Ley de Policía)

Sección V. Niveles, grados y ascensos

Artículo 28.- La Policía Nacional cuenta de acuerdo con la Ley con los siguientes niveles y grados:

a)NIVEL DE BASE: Que corresponde al cargo de Policía de línea.

b)NIVEL DE CLASE: Que comprenderá los grados de Sargento y Sargento Mayor.

c)NIVEL DE OFICIALES SUB-ALTERNOS: Que comprenderá los grados de Sub-Teniente, Teniente, Teniente Primero y Capitán.

d)NIVEL DE PRIMEROS OFICIALES: Que comprenderá los grados de Sub-Comandante, Comandante y Comandante de Regimiento.

e)NIVEL DE OFICIALES SUPERIORES: Que comprenderá el grado de Comandante de Brigada.


Police ranks not based on law

Promotional criteria determined by individual agency

Rank designations vary in meaning

No universal uniforms and insignia within the U.S.

No standardized police identification card


Important Concepts/Information:

Police applicants in foreign countries can often enter service at two or three rank levels

Division between upper ranks and lower ranks similar to US Military

Hired as LT or higher based on advanced education or 4 year academy

Probationary period in foreign agencies much longer than in the U.S.

Many foreign agencices provide assistance with housing and related living expenses

Rank structure and hiring process statutory in nature

In U.S. there is no standardized police I.D. card

In U.S. there is no standardized uniform or police insignia

In U.S. rank designations vary in meaning