Police system borrowed from Great Britain
Foundation in Police Act of 1861
Differentiation between "inspector" and above and lower rank levels.
Sidearm generally only issued to "inspectors" or above. Weapons not always carried by police in lower ranks. More often bolt action rifle and/or wooden cane/stick.
Largest single police agency in the World (Uttar Pradesh)
a. Number and types of challenges
b. Operations requiring large number of officers
Top commanders of State and Municipal Police Forces come from IPS
The NHRC recommended:
of autonomous State Security Commissions by Home Ministry
tenure for the chiefs of state police, as recommended by the National Police
Commission members: (set up in 1977)
Retired judges
Civil servants
Ex-police officials
National Police Commission Recommendations:
Separate investigative work from law and order function of police
To prescribe a procedure for appointing Chiefs of State Police and the Central
Police Organisations
Give chiefs of police a minimum statutory
tenure to that there is stability and long term planning in the functioning
of the organisations
of Torture
training in investigative methods
Sample of suggested process regarding right to remain silent in court proceedings:
In the opinion of the Court, inference to the detriment of the
accused may only be drawn “in situations which clearly call for an explanation
from him” and only to assess the “persuasiveness of evidence adduced
by the prosecution”. According to the Court, “[t]he question in
each particular case is whether the evidence adduced by the prosecution is sufficiently
strong to require an answer. The national court cannot conclude that the accused
is guilty merely because
he chooses to remain silent”. Also, the Court considers that the drawing
of such inferences can only be compatible with the principle of fair trial if
the accused is granted access to a lawyer already at the stage of the police
interrogation. Where the accused is tried by jury, the judge must give the jury
proper direction on these conditions. In sum, the European Court of Human Rights,
while having to accept that each member state is free to adopt the system of
criminal justice that it chose to, has set strict limits to the possibility
of drawing adverse inference; it may never be the only evidence."
Also read about recommendations made for CRIMINAL JUSTICE REFORM IN INDIA
Police System was revamped by (former) Pres. Musharraf under Ministry of Interior
2002 Ordinance drafted for following objectives:
through merit hiring and promotions
Career progression
public accountability
of Public Safety Commissions
at National, province and district levels.
of Police Complaints Authority
Newly Created National Police Academy opened in 2003
Central Jail Staff Training Institute
Civil Armed Forces viz Pakistan Rangers, Frontier Corp, Frontier Constabulary, and Pakistan Coast Guards
are the field organizations of the Ministry of Interior. The roles assigned
to these forces are:
Secure and check illegal border crossing.
Prevent smuggling.
Enforce drug control.
Assist the Provincial Governments in maintaining law and order as and when requested.
Separate Police Agency in each Prefecture (47)
Population: 126,926,000
377,873 square kilometers -On-Line Conversions
14,700 police facilities as of 2000
6,600 of those are called Kobans which would be small police posts in English.
There are also more than 7,000 Chuzaishos which are staffed by ONE police officer who lives with his family in a house attached to the small police office.
Approx 15,000-19,000 residents per box/sub station
Officers in Kobans and Chuzaishos are required to do yearly HOUSE VISITS. These are not as a result of a call for service, but rather for officers to continually learn about people and problems in their area of responsibility.
Process was adopted by the Singapore Police Force, which improved the process and now a large part of the SPF patrol officers operate out of neighborhood police posts-the equivalent of the Japanese Kobans
Above a former student (right) of Dr. Schweizer with his training officer
(Chiba Prefectural Police)
Each prefectural police is monitored by a prefectural public safety commission, with a National Commission over the National Police Agency.
Police applicants with college degrees have shorter "time in service"requirements for the first two promotions and a shorter police academy training period.