California State University, Fresno
School of Education & Human Development (SOEHD)

Sixteenth Annual Conference
Ci v i c  and   Ch a r a c t e r   Ed u c a t i o n

April 5, 2000


Welcome to the School of Education and Human Development's Sixteenth Annual Conference of Civic and Character Education!  SOEHD offers this conference for two reasons:  1) to provide information on a number of civic agencies devoted to assisting children and families with life's issues, and  2) to provide a number of important concepts and strategies related to a more comprehensive program of character education for children.

Interprofessional collaboration is very important in today's society. In our area of public and private sector businesses, community organizations and professional institutions team with the schools to offer preventive and/or intervention services for families and children.  Many of those service agencies are represented at this conference. While many of those programs are Fresno-based, students from other regions will find equivalent services available in their own areas.

The curriculum of California's schools is focused heavily on character education.  One important strand of the History-Social Science Framework is Ethical Literacy which indulges recognition of the sanctity of life, the dignity of each individual, a multicultural understanding of values and standards of behavior and respect for universal human rights.  The curriculum content includes references to specific virtues such as respect, responsibility, caring, justice, and civic virtue.

For pictues and information to the Civic and Character Education Conference, please click on one of the following: program sessions , keynote speakers and others conference pictures.