Self-Paced Lab III |
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Writing quotations:
In-text Citations & Works Cited PageWrite two paragraphs of your own that use information from two difference research sources. Write one direct quotation and one paraphrase. Do this in the proper MLA in-text citation style.
Then start a new page and make a Works Cited page with the two references in correct form. Do this in proper MLA Works Cited page style.
Save what you have done on a floppy disk. Be sure to put your name on each page.
Print the paragraph and Works Cited page to be checked by your Writing teacher.
Research and Writing continued:
Continue using ALIS, InfoTrac, and Netscape (using AltaVista) to find information on your culture topic for the essay and paper. Take notes as you go.
Use Word to continue to work on your paper, incorporating quotations and paraphrases you've found in your research. As you begin, try to use the MLA rules for format. Remember to save your work frequently.
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ã 2001 by John A. Cagle, Professor of Communication, California State University, Fresno.