Self-Paced Lab IV |
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The activities for today:
Polishing Your Paper
Open your culture research paper file in Word.
Use the Spell and Grammar Check tool to improve your paper. Save your work.
Is the overall format consistent with MLA style?
Are the In-text Citations and the Works Cited page done correctly?
Go through the proofreading steps using Word and make changes as needed. Emphasize these
Check spelling.
Check punctuation.
Check for word appropriateness (meaning, etc.)
Check for sentence construction: complete sentences? fragments? dangling sentences? missing verbs? missing words? run-together sentences? subject-verb & pronoun-antecedent agreement errors?
Check for paragraph adequacy.
Check for transitions--are there enough? (probably not)
Check for overall structure, be sure introduction and conclusion are effective
Check for content: logically sound? points well developed? details sufficient? enough illustrations & examples? support?
Read essay as you think your reader will.Research and Writing continued:
Continue using the computer as needed to complete the writing tasks for your culture paper.
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ã 2001 by John A. Cagle, Professor of Communication, California State University, Fresno.