Math 151, Fall 2003 Syllabus

Instructor: Dr. Katherine Byler

Office: PB 343

E-mail: Click here

Phone: 278-4996

Course: Math 151 (principles of algebra)

Class Number: 75290

Class meets: MWF 9:15-10:20am in SS 209B

Text: Beachy and Blair, Abstract Algebra, 2nd Ed. (ISBN 0881-33866-4)

Recommended Text: (available on reserve) Clark, Elements of Abstract Algebra (ISBN 0486-64725-0)

Welcome to Math 151! Math 151 is a 4-unit course that introduces the generalized algebraic concepts of groups, rings, and fields. The prerequisite for this course is Math 76, though it is recommended that you take as many math courses as you can before tackling this one. We will be covering parts of chapters 1 through 6 of the text. Clark's book is very cheap, is an excellent reference, and contains many good practice problems.

Abstract algebra is a very interesting subject. This course, however, will be demanding. I will do my very best to teach it to you, but you must ultimately take the responsibility to stay caught up, seek extra help when you need it, and monitor your progress in the class. I am always here to help you do this.

I love this course. I hope my enthusiasm rubs off on you!

Please see the following links for complete information:

Office Hours




Final Exam


Legal Stuff

Homework Policy*

Homework is due Fridays at 4pm. You may give it to me directly or place it in the box outside my office labeled "MATH 151 -- BYLER." Late homework will be accepted through Monday at 4pm for half credit. After that it will not be accepted. I will drop your lowest homework score. Warning: start the assignment before Thursday night! You will never finish if you do not start a few days early, while you have the chance to get help. Be sure to read and understand the Homework Format Requirements and Guidelines. It will be enforced! Homework of more than one page must be stapled. This is not optional. Do not write teeny-tiny to get out of this, please!



There will be three quizzes, given in class on Friday, September 26, Wednesday, November 5 and Wednesday, December 10 . Since they will be given the week before each exam, you may think of these quizzes as warm-ups for the tests. I will announce in advance which sections you will be responsible for on each quiz.



The midterm exams will be given in class on Fridays, October 3 and November 14 (weeks 6 and 12). Midterm I will cover the material up through week 5. Midterm II will cover the material from weeks 6 through 11. There are no makeups for any reason. If you have missed an exam, or feel that you are likely to miss an exam, contact me immediately to discuss your plans for passing the course.


Final Exam*

The final is comprehensive. It will be held on Wednesday, December 17 from 11:00am to 1:00pm, location to be announced. If you feel you have a conflict with this time, contact me immediately. Please note that it is strictly against University policy for me to give final exams early for any reason.



Missing class is bad. It is the single most preventable cause of bad grades! You simply must show up every day to avoid missing something critical. If you must miss class, get the notes from someone as soon as possible, go over them (preferably with the student who took the notes -- it will be valuable for him or her as well to talk through the material), and then come to office hours with any questions. I cannot repeat my lecture for students who skip class.

If the class is full and you wish to add, please introduce yourself before or after class and I will add your name to a waiting list. During the first week I will be taking attendance either by calling out names or by passing around a sign-in sheet. Failure to sign this sheet legibly or answer when called on any day the first week may result in your being dropped from the class without your permission. On Friday, August 29 at the end of class I will assign class permission numbers to as many students as I have room for who have attended every class meeting. No action will be taken prior to that date.

If you are enrolled and decide not to take the class, you have until Monday, September 8 to drop the class without signatures from both me and the dean of the College of Science and Mathematics (please see p. 61 of the current course catalogue for details). Please drop as soon as you have made your decision in order to allow others to join the class.


Basis for course grade (What does this mean?)

Homework 30%
Quizzes (3) 5%
Midterm 1 20%
Midterm 2 20%
Final exam 20%
Effort/Attendance/Participation 5%

Grade breakdown**

90-100% A
80-89.9% B
70-79.9% C
60-69.9% D
0-59.9% F

** Due to possible curving, your grade may end up higher, but not lower, than this chart indicates.


Legal Stuff

  1. Classroom Behavior

    I wish to maintain a positive, comfortable learning environment in our class. Please show respect for others by:

    Failure to adhere to these ground rules may result in your dismissal from the class.

  2. Academic Honesty

    Cheating is quite prevalent at Fresno State, and thus the penalties for getting caught are severe. Don't do it. Notes of any kind are not permitted during quizzes or exams. I may ask for hats to be removed or for you to switch seats for extra security. Collaboration on homework assignments is allowed and encouraged; however, everyone must turn in his or her own homework, in his or her own words. The University policy on academic dishonesty will be followed in cases of cheating and plagiarism. This means, at minimum, a score of 0 on any assignment or exam in which cheating or plagiarism is suspected. Please don't do anything that looks even remotely like cheating. It's not worth it.

  3. Students with Disabilities

    The University policy on students with disabilities will be followed. If you have a disability documented with Services for Students with Disabilities which requires accommodation, please see me as soon as possible to make arrangements.


* Disclaimer: Although I have no plans to do so, all dates and policies are subject to change or exception according to announcements made in class.

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Last updated 11/21/2003