Old News - August-October
  • 8/22: The secret quote for the course is, "Imitation does not imply understanding."
  • 8/23 (1): The homework list is now available! Please log in as soon as possible to WeBWorK to make sure you have no problems getting into the system.
  • 8/23 (2): This site should now be fully up and running. If you find any errors or links not working, please let me know.
  • 8/26 (1): The syllabus has been updated to include more information about WeBWorK. I hope it is helpful. Check it out here.
  • 8/26 (2): As announced in class our first quiz will be on Friday, September 2. It will, however, cover only the material from sections 1.1-1.4 of the text. In other words, from the homework that is due next week. You can get extra practice for problems from these sections by completing the warmup/study/enrichment problems from the homework list.
  • 9/7: The quiz solutions are now available above. Please go over any problems you missed and come see me with any questions. Our next quiz will be on September 16 (a week from Friday). More details will be announced soon.
  • 9/12: The quiz on Friday will cover sections 1.5, 1.6, 2.1, and 2.2 of the text, notes and homework. You should know how to:
    • State the following definitions:
      • Diagonal matrix, scalar matrix, identity matrix
      • Symmetric matrix, skew-symmetric matrix
      • Upper triangular matrix, lower triangular matrix
      • Non-singular (invertible) matrix
      • Matrix transformation
      • Row echelon form, reduced row echelon form
      • Row equivalence
      • Elementary matrix
    • Apply matrix transformations to vectors; for vectors in two and three dimensions, be able to describe the geometric effect of a matrix transformation
    • Reduce a matrix to row echelon or reduced row echelon form
    • Solve a system of equations using Gaussian elimination or Gauss-Jordan elimination
    • Given a square matrix, determine the inverse of the matrix if it exists, or prove that the inverse does not exist
    • Prove basic properties and facts about matrices and systems of equations
  • 9/15: The homework list has been updated.
  • 9/25 (1): The solutions to quiz 2 are now available above. Also above you will find a review sheet for the upcoming midterm.
  • 9/25 (2): As announced in class and on the syllabus, we will be having our first MIDTERM in class this Friday, September 30. I urge you to complete the problems on the review sheet (see above), as well as the warmup/study/enrichment problems from the homework list and as many other problems as you need to feel comfortable with all the concepts. Did I mention that doing lots of practice problems is a good idea? Even your proof-writing skills, including your ability to prove things you have not seen before, will greatly improve with practice.
  • 9/25 (3): Speaking of the midterm: this Thursday's problem session will be an extra hour long to allow extra time for questions before the exam. It will be from 4:00 to 6:00pm in PB 390. Please come and bring your questions!
  • 10/7 (1): The homework list has been updated.
  • 10/7 (2): As announced in class we will be having our next quiz on Friday, October 14. It will cover sections 3.3, 3.5, 3.6, and 3.8. Please especially practice proving (and disproving) that subsets of various vector spaces are subspaces. You can try the odd-numbered problems in section 3.3. If you would like to see a more complete solution to any problem, I have the Student Solutions Manual in my office; feel free to come take a look at it.
  • 10/14: The homework list has been updated. Please note that there is a typo in one of the assigned problems! Please see the homework list for details.
  • 10/16 (1): Finally! The solutions to the midterm are now available above. Please go over anything you missed and see me if you have any questions.
  • 10/16 (2): The solutions to the most recent quiz are now available above. I accidentally copied the same version of the quiz on both blue and green paper, so all the quizzes were identical this week. Whoops!
  • 10/16 (3): I have finished compiling current grades; they are posted outside my office. You will need the last 4 digits of your 9-digit Fresno State ID number.
    If you have any questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to come talk to me.
    It is a good idea to take a look at your scores even if you are not concerned about your grade. Very rarely, I will make a mistake when entering grades. If you see an error or a grade that does not match your records, please bring me the work in question as soon as possible so I can correct it.
  • 10/22: The homework list has been updated.
  • 10/25 (1): This week's problem session is cancelled due to my other class having a midterm this week. Please let me know if you have questions and are unable to come to office hours.
  • 10/25 (2): As announced in class we are having a quiz this Friday on sections 4.4, 5.1, and 5.2. You should know
    • How to find a basis for a given vector space and convert it via the Gram-Schmidt process to an orthonormal basis. I will give you the formula ; however, it is up to you to know how to use it! UPDATE 10/26: Whoooops! I had the incorrect formula above. It has now been fixed. Sorry for the confusion!
    • The definition of a linear transformation (L.T.) and how to prove whether a function is or is not a L.T.
    • What the kernel of a L.T. is and how to compute it
    • What the image of a L.T. is and how to compute it
    • What the terms one-to-one and onto mean and how to decide whether or not a given L.T. is one or the other or both
    • How to find the dimensions of the kernel and image of a L.T. and their relationship (Theorem 5.6)
    • How to tell whether a L.T. is invertible or not, and how to find the inverse transformation if it exists
  • 10/30: The homework list has been updated.
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