What does "Basis for Course Grade" really mean?

Determining your current grade involves only computing weighted percentages.


Suppose we've had six homework assignments so far, and you've turned in five. We've had three quizzes and a midterm. Suppose your scores are as follows:

Homework 43/48, 51/52, 0, 33/33, 62/64, and 36/43
Quizzes 27/30, 23/25, 20/20
Midterm 1 81/100

Here's how I would compute your current grade:

First I convert each score to a percentage:

Homework 89.6, 98.0, 0.0, 100.0, 96.9, and 83.7
Quizzes 90, 92, 100
Midterm 1 81

Then I take the average in each category. In Math 76, the two lowest homework scores and the two lowest quiz scores are dropped from the final grade. I compute the current grade both with and without the drops, for illustration purposes:

With two lowest homework scores and two lowest quiz scores dropped:
Homework (89.6 + 98.0 + 0.0 + 100.0 + 96.9 + 83.7) / 4 = 96.1%
Quizzes (90 + 92 + 100) / 1 = 100%
Midterm 1 = 81%
With no dropped scores:
Homework (89.6 + 98.0 + 0.0 + 100.0 + 96.9 + 83.7) / 6 = 78.0%
Quizzes (90 + 92 + 100) / 3 = 94%
Midterm 1 = 81%

In Math 76, homework, quizzes, midterms and final each count for 19% of the final grade. In other words, they are weighted equally. Thus your grade so far would be the average of the three percentages:
With two lowest homework scores and two lowest quiz scores dropped:
(96.1 + 100 + 81) / 3 = 92.4%
With no dropped scores:
(78.0 + 94 + 81) / 3 = 84.3%

You can see how much difference the drops make, especially at the beginning of the term. But beware: the more assignments we accumulate, the less difference the drops will make. So use your drops wisely!

Here's an example of what happens at the end of the term. Recall that the lowest of the 6 overall grades for Homework, Quiz, Midterm 1, Midterm 2, Midterm 3 and Final is dropped. Suppose your overall grades are as follows:

Homework   87% x 19/10 = 165 points
Quizzes   92% x 19/10 = 175 points
Midterm 1   81% (dropped)
Midterm 2   86% x 19/10 = 163 points
Midterm 3   94% x 19/10 = 179 points
Final   83% x 19/10 = 158 points
Effort/Attendance/Participation   91% x 5/10 = 46 points

Total   886 points out of 1000 = 88.6%

You can see how the grade for Midterm 1, being the lowest of the first 6 grades, is dropped. Also note that if you are satisfied with your class grade going into the final, you can skip the final exam!

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Last updated 1/18/2006