Lab: Customer-Type Percent Report


The objective of this lab assignment is to produce a report showing what percent of our customers is of what type. For each customer type, it shows the total number of customers of that type as well as the percent of customers of that type. At the bottom it shows the total number of customers.

Build a query called Customer-Type-Count-Query on CUSTOMER and CUSTOMER-TYPE tables. From the CUSTOMER-TYPE table show customer-type and Group-By it (View/Total). From CUSTOMER table show customerid, and for the Total row insert the Count function.

Build a report called Customer-Type-Percent-Report based on this query. No grouping. Tabular mode. Open the report in design mode. Extend the report footer, and in it add a textbox. In the data part insert: = SUM ([CountOfCustomerId]). Name it: total-customer-count.

In the detail section, next to each customer-type, place a textbox that will show percent of customers of that type. Give it a suitable name and caption.

Figure out how to show the same information in a pie chart. 
