Lab: Complete Job
Produce a form for changing the status of a job (whose number is given) from active to complete, and entering the actual resources (material/labor) used. This is very similar to the last lab. The only difference is that, instead of estimated resources, actual resources are being entered, and there are no calculations involved.
- From JOB-MATERIAL: jobid, material-id, estimated-material, actual-material.
- Tabular
- From JOB-LABOR: jobid, labor-id, estimated-labor, actual-labor
- Tabular.
- From JOB: Jobid, completion-date, status. Columnar.
- Extend detail area and insert the two subforms above. For the link between subform and master form, choose the default setting: jobid.
- Go into each subform inserted on the main form and delete jobid. It is redundant as it already appears on the main form. Its original purpose was to link each subform to the master form. Even after you delete it, it will still serve as the link with the main form in the background.
- Put a FIND-RECORD button on the main form that will bring up a job by its number.
Deliverable: A screen shot of the Complete-Job Form.