Lab: Quote Acceptability Report
The first objective of this lab assignment is to produce a quote acceptability report. The second objective is to break down the acceptability rate by customer type and order-taker.
Produce a report, called Quote Acceptability Report, showing what percent of non-pending quotes have been accepted (status = accepted or completed), and what percent have been rejected (status = rejected). This report will show the same information in two different ways: The top half will show the information in terms of figures; the bottom half will show the same information in terms of a pie chart labeled properly.
Deliverable: A screen shot of the report
Produce a report, called Quote Acceptability by Customer Type Report, showing each customer type and, for each, the percent of non-pending quotes that have been accepted (status = accepted or completed) by that type. Show these percents (and the corresponding customer types) in ascending order.
Deliverable: A screen shot of the report
Produce a report, called Quote Acceptability by Order Taker Report, showing each order taker and, for each, the percent of accepted (status = accepted or completed) non-pending quotes that have been produced by that order taker. Show these percents (and the corresponding order takers) in ascending order.
Deliverable: A screen shot of the report
Create a menu entitled Quote Acceptability. The three items on it will be the titles of the above three reports. Each will be a button that will take you to the corresponding report.
Deliverable: A screen shot of the menu