Are chords used in the accompaniment?
Number of chords per each note of melody
< 1 ==> One chord for two or more notes of melody: Sustained-Chord Accompaniment
= 1 ==> Note-against-note style with all the voice parts in the same rhythm: Block-Chord Accompaniment
> 1 ==> Two or more repeated chords for each note of melody: Repeated-Chord Accompaniment
Are the notes in the accompaniment part of a chord?
- Yes: Broken Chord Accompaniment
Notes of the chord are played successively one after another: Arpeggio Accompaniment
- from the lowest to the highest
- from the highest to the lowest
- both ways
Special case: the 1-5-3-5 pattern: Alberti Bass
- No: A series of low-pitch notes, forming or implying an underlying scale: Walking Bass
Special case: a pattern of notes repeated over and over again in the same format in one section of music: Ostinato
Hybrid Possibilities: