Methodological Challenges


"I know it needs to be measured, but I'm not sure how to measure it."

"I cannot prove it to you, but I think we are around 93% on that."

Revealing potential weaknesses is threatening.

Too busy managing success to have time to measure it. *

Not knowing how to produce a measurement, or whether it can be measured, prevents us from asking for it. If it is not feasible, it is not desirable.

Primary vs. Support Activities

Aggregate/summary information is immediately useful when it conveys good news ("we are on the right track"). But, when it conveys bad news ("we fell short of the target"), it just represents the "tip of the iceberg" because it does not tell us what/where the cause of the problems is ==> Drill Down Capability

eg: Fleet maintenance cost is too high ==> drill down by:

* Due to the busy schedules of managers and the limited time available to interview them, the number of KPI about which information is currently available is most likely greater than the number conveyed in this report.