E-Business Assignment: The Batesville Brand
Batesville sells burial caskets, among other things. They aim at generating brand preferences among end-customers (the public) so that in their interaction with funeral homes, they would ask specifically for the Batesville brand of products. To that end, they have developed their website.
- This website is more than about selling caskets. It aims at helping customers fulfill their hierarchy of objectives when confronting the loss of a beloved one, of which selling caskets is only one part. Map out this hierarchy as reflected in the contents/organization of the website.
- You have just lost (or are about to lose) a loved one. Do you really care what kind of casket is used to bury your loved one? Why?
- Assuming the answer to the above question is positive, perform actual searches (using your favorite search engine) to see what comes up. Document your search terms as well as major findings. Is Batesville well represented?
- Critique the website’s contents/design as a tool in helping Batesville reach their objective of generating brand preferences. List the pluses and minuses.
- Propose three ideas for improving the website's design vis-a-vis the brand recognition objective discussed above.