Caskets have life as furniture before they're laid to rest
By Annie Groer
The Washington Post
October 26, 2004
In keeping with the season, consider the work of Willy von Bracht, maker of pre-need storage furniture.
"People put thousands of dollars into an expensive wood and metal casket that's just around for four or five days and then it's gone," says the Montana woodworker. "Why not stand it on end, put shelves in it and a couple of wine racks?"
His sturdiest simple wood caskets can be fitted with modular shelves for bottles, glasses, guns, fishing rods, books, files, a stereo, even toys. When the time comes, empty the box, lay out the dearly departed, and close the lid.
Von Bracht has been aghast at the high cost of dying since the 1970s, when his work for The Missoulian ( Mont. ) newspaper included picking up obituary notices from funeral homes selling an array of expensive coffins. Plain pine boxes were not to be had. So he and a friend started Sweet Earth Caskets to make affordable wooden models.
"My dad had taught me some stuff, and I had taken a few wood shop classes. I had someone make prototypes and hired a couple of carpenters," he said by phone from Kalispell, 120 miles north of Missoula .
Prices range from $450 for pine to $1,400 for cherry, oak or walnut. A ready-to-assemble pine kit costs $300. Shipping and shelving are extra (406) 257-0092 or www
"This is not a joke," says von Bracht. "We're a casket company first and a furniture shop second."