What is the difference between Data and Information?
Information: Data that is Processed/Transformed/Value Added
Data Information Grade on a test Total points earned in a course Total points earned in a course Letter grade Letter grade GPA GPA Total Emplyability Score
What is Information?
That which can be reproduced/transmitted without any loss of value.
Which of the following is information?
- A poem
- A newspaper comic
- A customer
- Acustomer's balance due
- A book (such as this, this)
- The Mona Lisa
- The outcome of a decision
- A doctor's prescription
- An economic forecast
- An engineer's design
- A flower
- A joke
- Money
- A musical score
- A photograph
- A recipe
- A religious sermon
- A computer
- A music performance
- A movie
- A computer program (code)
- Electricity
Which of the following occupations are primarily information producers?
What are the various types of Information?