In a recent article “Opportunity At The Bottom Of The Cycle,” we put the onus of new value creation on management. New technologies are traditionally the catalyst of growth in the telecommunications sector. But when the competition has caught up and a number of alternative offerings become available, can companies remain competitive without sacrificing their margins?
From the perspective of customers in highly competitive markets, product or service differentiation becomes increasingly harder. Not in as much that they can’t tell apart technological and performance differences, but rather because effective productivity gains from one vendor’s system over another’s have become increasingly smaller (law of diminishing returns in the utility curve). From the vendor’s perspective, the temptation is high to drop prices and make it up in volume. But when competitors match that move, they soon realize that price elasticity can only do so much to stimulate demand and soon company life altering decisions need to follow in order to remain in business. Is there an alternative to price competition when product differentiation has become too difficult?
The answer is YES. In our approach to value chain management, we suggest that companies found their competitive strategies on clear management objectives in the areas of:
In this article, the first in a series of five, we will focus on the role of customer value within the concept of “competitive offering” and identify opportunities for value creation extrinsic to the products or services the telecommunication companies sell. This is a key element for companies to build and sustain their competitive advantage. As you read on about the other keystones of competitive strategy in the subsequent articles of this series, you will understand how companies can rapidly and cost-effectively achieve higher performance standards using the value chain management approach.
Traditionally, telecommunication companies have had the tendency to focus on product and service features to differentiate their offerings and have based their “value proposition” on specific performance metrics of what it is they sell. While tangible economic benefits can be computed from those, this strategy fails to address their potential contribution to their customers’ business models and value chains.
Here are a few (illustrative examples) of the problems with those business models based on “product” strategies the way we perceive it:
From the telecommunication company’s perspective:
From the customer’s perspective:
As I pointed out in “Opportunity at the bottom of the cycle,” the costs of goods sold (COGS) can vary as widely as 15 to 50 percent of revenues. Granted, Cisco -- at a record 13 percent last quarter and Microsoft -- at 25-30 percent, are quite profitable. But many companies in the 30-50 percent COGS bracket are struggling. Greater focus on product improvements will up their COGS and, lest the customers approve of the changes en mass, chances are that the cost increase will come right out of their gross margins.
By managing the value chain effectively, we turn the problem around and we focus on ALL the customers’ needs and solutions. With the careful introspection of the customer’s value chain, one realizes that a great deal of contributions can be made outside the transactional aspects of the customer-vendor relationship that can carry a much greater impact on the customer’s bottom line. In essence, we propose that companies attempt to improve their performance and competitive positioning by managing the other 50-85 percent of their cost structures in order to unleash incremental customer value.
Let’s briefly summarize the sources where customers derive value in their relationships with suppliers and vendors:
Most of the areas listed above deal with something other than the products or services that are being acquired by the customers. These are also the sources of costs that customers have the least amount of control over and that can become cost-prohibitive in the scheme of the overall customer solution management.
We recommend that companies perform a customer value analysis in order to pinpoint the exact nature of their customers’ value experience. In doing so, they’ll identify numerous critical customer concerns, each one of them leading to several opportunities to improve their customer value creating abilities.
Here are just a few examples of questions drawn from our templates that you can ask yourselves in order to assess your company’s level of concern for customer value:
Granted, some vendors do not need to concern themselves with these questions in the short run and can even afford to charge customers for each and every additional service level they provide. Perhaps they have been sheltered from intense competition for the time being. We believe, however, that the handful of such companies still around in the telecommunications industry may be up for a rude awakening as rogue competitors with highly disruptive business models will soon challenge them on their own turf.
In the interim, we recommend that companies do some soul-searching and commence the process of focusing on customer value to work their way to developing a sustainable competitive advantage. In next month’s article, we will define what characterizes functional performance achievement in the context of value chain management.
Xavier Van de Lanotte is the president and founder of VXTConsulting, Inc. He advises telecommunication services and equipment firms on Competitive Strategy, Customer Value, Alliance Management, and Distribution and has worked in this industry in various parts of the world for 15 years. For more information on value chain management, please visit us at, or contact us at We welcome your questions and thoughts about this article.