From Business ... to ... IT



What, and how serious, is the problem/opportunity for which it is necessary to create a new ...

Unless we improve our cab-call system, we will lose 50% of our business to our next-door competitor within 6 months, which translates into ...... dollars.

What process (described both on an overall, as well as detailed, level) best addresses the above issue, and how can it be supported by the right ...

We need a Link-Cab-To-Guest system. This is how the system works: When a guest makes a cab request, her room number is communicated to the cab company. When she approaches a waiting cab, she is asked her room number. If it matches the information provided to the driver, she is welcomed and she gets in.

Information System:
What data need to be captured, input, stored and processed (in what steps), producing what information for whom, for what purpose, and how can these activities be implemented by the right ...

The system obtains from the guest the time she needs a cab and her destination. Her room number is retrieved automatically. She is told to identify herself by room number to the driver. These three pieces of data are stored internally as well as communicated to the cab company. The cab company sends this information to the driver scheduled to pick her up. When she approaches a waiting cab, she is asked her room number. If it matches the information provided to the driver, she is welcomed and she gets in.

Information Technology:

What input, storage, processing, output, and communication technologies are the appropriate media for implementing the above information system?

The guest uses the TV's main menu to enter, via touch-screen, the time she needs a cab and her destination. Her room number is already in the system. When she presses "enter", two things happen. First, the system records this data in the Cab-Call table in the database. Second, the system transmits the data to the cab company's server. Depending on cab availability at the requested time, a cab is automatically selected for dispatch and the data is transmitted to the driver's in-cab system.