I Am Quitting, Boss!
In 1988, T.J. Rodgers, the CEO of Cypress (a large technology company), sent this memo to his managers.
Imagine that, prior to sending out the memo, he had hired you as a consultant to advise him on the memo. He would be completely open to criticism. The field would be wide open: You could criticize ANY aspect of this memo, including the very concept of it. He has a thick skin; he would not be easily offended!
Discuss ten (10) criticisms of this memo that you would offer Mr. Rodgers. Number your ideas explicitly from 1 to 10.
Tip 1:
Do not focus on trivial issues such as writing style, grammar, etc. Focus on substance. Ask yourself, "What is the problem to which this memo is meant as a solution?" Then reflect on whether this memo, the way its author has approached it, is the BEST solution (or even a solution) to the problem.
Tip 2:
Ask yourself: "What roles can information systems play in solving the above problem?" Then see if those roles are addressed in the memo.
T.J. Rodgers