Build the first US ATLAS Shared Tier 3 Computing Facility on Cloud with $250,000 Amazon Web Service (AWS)
credits award from the CSU Chancellor's Office (2019 to present by Dr. Bawa and Prof. Gao): Talks at US ATLAS Computing Working Group meetings
Develop new jet substructure and superstructure variables, including color-connection variables for new
physic searches (2010 to 2012 by Dr. Lowe and Prof. Gao): Talks at the ATLAS Standard Model, Higgs and Exotics Working Groups
from 2011 to 2012.
New physics searches with dijets in final state from ATLAS data (2010 to present by Dr. Bawa and Prof. Gao): Talks at the
ATLAS Jet and Exotics Working Groups since 2010. Published at New J. Physics 13 053044 (2011), and JHEP 01 (2013) 029
ATLAS Inner Detector, Muon Detector, and Trigger Upgrade R&D Projects (2009 to present by CSU Students and Prof. Gao): Talks at
ATLAS Inner Detector, Muon Detector, Trigger working group meetings since 2009.
Support ATLAS Event Data Model (EDM) in the trigger (2011 to 2012 by Dr. Lowe): Talks at the ATLAS Trigger
Core Software working group meetings since 2011.
Liaison for JetEtMiss and Physics Analysis Tools (PAT) working groups (2010 to present by Dr. Bawa): Talks at
the ATLAS Jet/Etmiss working group meetings since 2011.
Build up the first cloud-based Tier 3 computing cluster for US ATLAS (2011 to 2013 by Prof. Lin with CS
faculty and Ph.D students from Chinese research universities)
W/Z and egamma work (2009 to 2010 by Dr. Bawa, Prof. Gao and graduate student Brent Wilson): Talks at North
America e/gamma working group meetings.
Set up and run the CSU Fresno ATLAS Tier 3 cluster for ATLAS physics (2011 to present). The cluster was funded
by NSF MRI grant. Dr. Sergey Uzunyan from Northern Illinois Univesity (NIU) provided essential help in system design, setting up and maintaining
the cluster. The CSU Fresno ATLAS Tier 3 cluster has been running and heavily used for ATLAS physics by our group members. The cluster is currently
maintained by Jay Fowler and Choa-Lin Chou of CSU Fresno ITS department.
ATLAS performance studies, Particle identification (PID) fake rates using reflections of known physics processes
from incoming real ATLAS data and their impacts on ATLAS physics (2006 to 2008 by Prof. Gao): Talks at the ATLAS Standard Model, Higgs, Exotics,
Electron/Photon, Jet/EtMiss, and Tau Working Groups from 2006 to 2008.
Significance calculation and a new analysis method in searching for new physics at the LHC (2005 to 2006 by
Prof. Gao): Talks at the ATLAS Higgs Working Group in 2005 and 2007. Published in European Physical Journal C45, 659 (2006).
Electron/Pion Separation with LAr Barrel Module P15 using 2002 Testbeam Data (2002 to 2003 by Prof. Gao):
ATLAS Note: ATL-LARG-2003-013, published in Nucl. Instrum. Meth. A550, 96 (2005)