After returning from CERN in fall 2011, Rad has been continuing his work with ATLAS Jet Cross Section working group. He returned to work at DESY (The Deutsches Elektronen-Synchrotron) in Germany during summer of 2012 on NLOjet++ and APPLGrid which will significantly reduce the Monte Carlo simulation time comparing with old simulation packages like Pythia. This will be very useful for many future physics analyses on ATLAS. Navid gave poster presentation at the Central California Research Symposium in April 2012 and won the "Best Graduate Student Poster Presentation Award". He gave one presentation to ATLAS Jet Cross-Section Working Group during summer of 2012.
Emmanuel Angulo and Lawrence Carlson, physics graduate and undergraduate students at Fresno State, worked at CERN during summer of 2011 on micromegas R&D projects for ATLAS muon detector upgrade led by Dr. Joerg Wotschack of CERN. Angulo and Carlson were supported by College of Science and Mathematics (CSM) and Instructionally Related Activities (IRA) from Associated Studetns Inc. (ASI) of Fresno State. They developed and tested the micromegas detector and presented their results twice at the Micromegas R&D working group meetings at CERN. They also participated in test beam activities at CERN in July 2011. Emmnauel was invited to give the Conclusion Panel Presentation at the Central California Research Symposium in April of 2012. This is a great honor for him, our ATLAS program, and physics department.
Emmanuel Angulo and undergraduate student Simon Gonzalez worked at CERN again during summer of 2012. Angulo and Gonzalez were supported by College of Science and Mathematics (CSM) and Instructionally Related Activities (IRA) from Associated Studetns Inc. (ASI) of Fresno State. They continued working on micromegas R&D projects for ATLAS muon detector upgrade and have given 5 talks at ATLAS muon R&D working group meetings during summer of 2012. Their work includes performing different lab experiments at CERN, functional uniformity results of a new T-series chamber design, etc.
Simon Gonzalez from Fresno State and Brandon Ausmus from CSU Channel Islands worked at CERN during summer of 2013. Gonzalez was supported by College of Science and Mathematics (CSM) and Instructionally Related Activities (IRA) from Associated Studetns Inc. (ASI) of Fresno State and Ausmus was supported by CSU Channel Islands. They worked on micromegas R&D projects for ATLAS muon detector upgrade and performed various mechanical measurements and tests of micromegas L2 panel. They have given 2 talks at ATLAS muon R&D working group meetings during summer of 2013 about their findings.
Gradon Faulkner is a physics major from CSU Channel Islands. He worked with ATLAS physicists Dr. Alberto Annovi from INFN Laboratori Nazionali di Frascati and Dr. Wainer Vandelli from CERN of the ATLAS Trigger and Data Acquisition (DAQ) team during summer of 2013. Faulkner was supported by CSU Channel Islands. Trigger/DAQ is key for ATLAS data collection. The ATLAS experiment is developing a FastTrack trigger for real-time reconstruction of charged trajectories in the full Inner Detector. The FastTracker uses Associative Memories to associate hit positions into tracks by comparing all detected hits with a set of pre-calculated trajectories called patterns. In order to cover all possible trajectories of interest with the desired resolution 1 billion patterns are needed, corresponding to an Associative Memory device with 1 billion locations.
Faulkner studied a new way to prepare patters and did an excellent job in developing a preliminary optimization algorithm for the ATLAS hardware tracker (FTK). The algorithm searches for track pattern grouping schemes that allow a reduction of the pattern data without affecting the physics performance. It will result in a higher overall efficiency of the FastTracker system. Faulkner gave two presentations at ATLAS Trigger/DAQ working group meetings at CERN.
Varahamurthy made excellent progress in visualization, construction and simulation in these packages. Geometry package was used extensively for visualization which was implemented in C++ using ROOT. Varahamurthy encoded positional and rotational data into transformation matrices with ROOT geometry package. He implemented custom TrackerModule, TrackerRing and TrackerLayer classes in construction. He also implemented custom track class as basic charged particle track descriptor in simulation and hit detection is handled by each module independently. Varahamurthy's work was presented to ATLAS Inner Detector working group meeting.