Camera Moves
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A companion book to this
site is Setting Up Your Shots: Great
Camera Moves Every Filmmaker Should Know. The page numbers noted
below refer to this book.
Description: Shows what's to the
left or right of the screen. Pg. 2.
Purposes: Reveal setting, sweep across subject wider than screen,
show relationship between two subjects. |
Description: Shows what's above or
below the screen. Pg. 3.
Purposes: Reveal parts of vertical subject, useful for showing
tall objects, show relationship between parts of a subject, can add
suspense or surprise. |
Description: Camera physically
moves to left or right around subject.
Purposes: Reveal another side of subject, add dimension,
show physical relationship between objects or subjects.
Description: Camera physically
moves toward or away from subject. Pg. 4.
Purposes: Change focus of attention from broad view to detail
of subject or vice versa. Provides sense of physically moving closer
or farther from subject.
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