How's that again?

Here is the complete picture for the semester, for your perfect attendance grade:

There are 7 points possible for each full week of classes (2 points for each day, plus 1 reward point). There are 12 full weeks of the semester (when class meets on Monday, Wednesday, and Friday), so that makes 12 x 7 = 84 points for those weeks. In addition we have

for a total of 3 + 5 + 3 + 5 = 16 additional points. That makes 84 + 16 = 100 points possible.

The week-by-week schedule is as follows:

Day Comments Perfect attendance score   Day Comments Perfect attendance score

M 8/23 (no class)     M 10/18   2
W 8/25 (no class)     W 10/20   2
F 8/27 First day of class 2   F 10/22   2
      Reward Week 1         1         Reward Week 9         1
M 8/30   2   M 10/25   2
W 9/1   2   W 10/27   2
F 9/3   2   F 10/29   2
      Reward Week 2         1         Reward Week 10         1
M 9/6 Labor Day --   M 11/1   2
W 9/8   2   W 11/3   2
F 9/10   2   F 11/5   2
      Reward Week 3         1         Reward Week 11         1
M 9/13   2   M 11/8   2
W 9/15   2   W 11/10   2
F 9/17   2   F 11/12   2
      Reward Week 4         1         Reward Week 12         1
M 9/20   2   M 11/15   2
W 9/22   2   W 11/17   2
F 9/24   2   F 11/19   2
      Reward Week 5         1         Reward Week 13         1
M 9/27   2   M 11/22   2
W 9/29   2   W 11/24 Thanksgiving --
F 10/1   2   F 11/26 Thanksgiving --
      Reward Week 6         1         Reward Week 14         1
M 10/4   2   M 11/29   2
W 10/6   2   W 12/1   2
F 10/8   2   F 12/3   2
      Reward Week 7         1         Reward Week 15         1
M 10/11   2   M 12/6   2
W 10/13   2   W 12/8 Last day of class 2
F 10/15   2   F 12/10 (Consultation day) --
      Reward Week 8         1         Reward Week 16         1

This is complicated, I know, but the bottom line is: COME TO CLASS EVERY DAY, and you will have 100 free points in your pocket!
