Old News - August/September
  • 8/22: The secret quote for the course is, "Imitation does not equal understanding."
  • 8/23 (1): Tomorrow in class we will be taking a diagnostic test, called the Math Diagnostic Testing Program (MDTP) test. The test will be on Scantron, so please bring a #2 pencil. The test will not affect your grade in any way, but you are urged to do your best. The purpose of the test is twofold:
    1. As I mentioned on Monday, nearly 2/3 of Math 75 students fail the course every term. The results of this test will help you determine whether you are prepared for the rigor of Math 75, or whether you should move to another course (such as Math 75A or Math 5) that is more appropriate for you. You will not, however, be forced to drop Math 75 based on the results of the test.
    2. CSU Fresno is in the process of developing a placement test for Math 75 which would prevent underprepared students from enrolling in the course in the first place. The results of the MDTP will help us develop a test that will properly place students in the courses that are right for them.
    Please help yourself and the University by completing the test tomorrow to the best of your ability.
  • 8/23 (2): The homework list is now available! Please log in as soon as possible to WeBWorK to make sure you have no problems getting into the system.
  • 8/23 (3): This site should now be fully up and running. If you find any errors or links not working, please let me know.
  • 8/26 (1): The textbooks are in! If you have not already done so, please buy your textbook as soon as possible.
  • 8/26 (2): As announced in class, the Bookstore will prepare packets of A Mathematica Mystery Tour on demand; just go to the Copy Center in the basement of the Bookstore and request it. I highly recommend this very useful, very inexpensive resource.
  • 8/26 (3): As announced in class (and in the syllabus), our first quiz will be on Friday, September 2 and will cover the material from sections 1.1, 1.2, 1.3, 1.5, and 1.6 of the text. You can get extra practice for problems from these sections by completing the warmup/study/enrichment problems from the homework list.
  • 8/28: The Calculus Walk-In Lab begins tomorrow! It will be held in S2 323 (the syllabus had the wrong classroom listed; the correction and details appear here. Please make the tutoring lab a regular part of your week!
  • 9/8: The quiz solutions are now available above. Please go over any problems you missed and come see me with any questions.
  • 9/9: The homework list has been updated to reflect current deadlines.
  • 9/18 (1): I have posted a set of practice problems for the upcoming MIDTERM this Friday, September 23. They are available above. You are urged to complete the problems under test conditions (i.e. no notes, no calculator) as soon as possible to practice for the test.
  • 9/18 (2): Speaking of the midterm: this Thursday's problem session will be an extra hour long to allow extra time for questions before the exam. It will be from 4:00 to 6:00pm in PB 390. Please come and bring your questions!
  • 9/20: The solutions to the practice questions are now available above. Please go over them as soon as you have finished trying the practice questions on your own. At the problem session on Thursday (see 9/18 (2), above), I will be happy to answer any questions you may have; however, the session will go much smoother--and we will have time for many more questions--if you have studied the solutions carefully beforehand and made notes on any steps you do not understand. Good luck on the midterm!
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