Bibliographic Search
Search as a system: Input/Process/Output
- Input: Search phrase, search parameters
- Process: Search Engine (data + algorithm) searching for results based on the given input
- Output: Results
Types of Sources
Why "I found it on the Internet" is meaningless
Two times two equals 9,876,543. Is this true?
Search phrase
- Principle: If search results are not satisfactory the first time around, re-search with new inputs.
- Be smart enough to recognize gold when you see it!
- Yield ratio: For every 10 searches, expect to find only 1 useful result.
- Using quotes ("smart appliance") vs. not using quotes (smart appliance)
Search parameters ....... advanced search
- all these words:
- this exact wording or phrase:
- one or more of these words:
- do NOT show any of these unwanted words:
- Results per page: (default 10)
- Language:
- File type: (pdf, xls, ppt, doc)
- Search within a site or domain: (com, edu, gov, org)
- Date: (how recent the page is)
- Where your keywords show up: (anywhere/title/text/URL/links)
Proprietary Databases
Information Systems (now classified under Computer Science), includes Safari Books