Funny Stuff
If you are an extremely sensitive, easily offendable person, please do NOT read any of the following material. |
How did Arthur Noone win the election?
Computer technology explained
Computer advances in ancient times
Casual Friday for the telecommuter
The high-tech dad
How to make nerdy husband pay more attention
What is confidence?
The world map according to America
The day the office pool won the lottery
Don't drink and fly
Interesting optical illusion
Santa needs a seat belt
Watch a 30-second video on a creative use of overhead bins on airplanes
He's a big shot now, but ...
Computer Mouse for Women
Meet the Coffeeputer
The new key on the keyboard
The Dream Drop-Down Menu
The over-worked mouse
Shopping when your computer crashes
How often do you check your email?
Web-based surgery
Software trial period
Flight simulator
Cat and mouse
Press F1 for HELP
The nine-month download
Computer air bag
Cause = Effect
E-mail Mix-up
Cloning Errors
Best Sleeping Positions 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
True Friendship 1 2
Beware of the KILLER!
Hands Up!
Siblings Waiting 1 2
Cats Hate Water
Feel Like Eating A Hot Dog? 1 2
Maternal Support 1 2
Heavens and Earth Communicating
Care for Reese's?
Are We Lost?
Smoking is not Good for You
The Webcam
Am I Hot or What?
Sticking Together
Having trouble getting out of bed? Here is the solution!
Are these trucks or ships?!
Riding a Dead Horse
What color tooth does your cell phone have?!
The last person without a cell phone
Recognizing an out-of-work IRS agent
An impersonal world
It's all about framing
The ideal search engine
Are you addicted to the Internet?
Does management need to be techno-savvy?
Do terrorists need subtitles? (a funny, 2-minute movie)
An interesting optical illusion
You know you are from California if ...
Life is a train journey (a beautiful slide presentation)
Geometry Genius
Outsourcing Sports
Down with the Capitalist Oppression! 1 2 3
Welcome to the Mental Health Hotline
Man. Woman. 1 2 3 4
Explaining the Internet
The Complaint Department
Logic 1 2 3 4
Brain Upgrade
Dancing with the Stars
- (A video of Fred Astaire and Eleanor Powell dancing in 1940, with Frank Sinatra narrating)
Nobody can steal the Mona Lisa now!
Responding by ignoring
Can you understand what he is saying?!
Microsoft Word for Blondes
Hand me the hairdryer
Caution! -- Men at Work
When I turned back, he was gone!
Now you're gonna get it
Technology generations
Apple's I-Fruit
The man-machine race ... Who is winning?
A cheetah wondering what just happened!
The Thanksgiving Divorce
Memorable Thanksgiving Events 1 2 3 4 5 6
1957 vs. 2007
Teenagers enjoying coffee together
What is 25 divided by 5? This video (4 meg) proves the answer to be 14!
Mutual Causality in the teenage universe
Please adopt Pinky, the cute cat!