The Muni-KPI Project


General Information

Contact Information

MuniServices Website , Municipal Bond Insurance Association (MBIA)

MuniServices Competitors

The Non-Disclosure Agreement


MuniServices Documents

Local Tax Compliance - Work Plan



Project Work Tools

Proctor & Gamble Case Study

Pages 15-17 of this document show how each business process has performance measures associated with it, based on which numeric results can be produced. Specifically, note how the last process (#6) has the measure "% orders billed accurately" (or "billing accuracy") associated with it, based on which P&G has determined that the redesign has worked (billing accuracy increasing from 83% to 87% to 93%).

Saladino's KPI

This document provides a framework for organizing the KPI of the various business processes at Saladino's. You can regard this as the "Master Flowchart" which logically integrates the various business processes. Clicking on any link takes you to the various KPI associated with that process.

Mathematical Model of Hybrid Car Payoff

This spreadsheet is the answer to this assignment. It shows, in two different ways, how a mathematical model is built to interconnect various (performance) variables. The first way is by creating a graphic model: Each box holds one variable, and the diagram shows the mathematical relationships among these variables in terms of adjoining levels.

The second way, derived from the first, is the mathematical formula, which connects the highest level variable (what is sought; in this case, PAYBACK) to the lowest level variables (what is given; in this case, the five variables in yellow boxes). Using this formula, one can perform various forms of simulation, as required in this assignment.