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Pei-Chun Ho's Homepage

(last updated on 2/7/2025)

2020 group photo

Members of the Strongly Correlated Electron Laboratory at California State University-Fresno (photo taken on 9/23/2021). From left to right: Dr. Pei-Chun Ho, Xingyu Zhao (UHS), Leticia Ramos (undergrad), Zachary Carrender (undergrad).


Various group activities

The group of is currently composed of four undergraduate and two graduate students. In the photo, from left to right: Patrick Talbot, Rosa Garcia Jimenez, Shoji Hishida, Patrick Kelly, Andrea Capa Salinas, and Jesus Velasquez. Students are hands-on assists Dr. Ho on every aspects of research to establish the required instrumentation and facilities to advance the progress of the various projects.


Various group activities

Research projects provide training to undergraduate and MS-program students to gain hands-on experience and systematic approaches to solving scientific problems at the early stage of their academic life.

  • The undergraduate Ryan Fukuda prepared sample for muSR measurements at TRUIMF by varnishing single crystals of Pr0.75Nd0.25 Os4Sb12 on a silver plate.
  • The undergraduate Maya Castraw de la Torre prepared solvents for nanoparticle synthesis at Strongly Correlated Electron Laboratory.
  • Undergraduates Nick Soliz (front) and Ryan Fukuda worked on single crystal growth of the filled skutterudite compounds with the PI at a collaborator's sample preparation facility.
  • The PI Pei-Chun Ho and three undergraduates Felipe Vargas, Ryan Fukuda, and Taylor McCullough-Hunter attended 2014 APS March Meeting.
  • Students from the PI's research group assisted kids and parents performing demonstration kits in the "Hands-On Fun with Physics" program. Undergraduate Maya Castrow de la Torre (front) assisted in the pressure demo by flipping a half-filled water cup. Undergraduate Taylor McCullough-Hunter (back) showed a periscope.