
FALL 2018
CRIM 109
Tue/Thu 0930-1045 ST 209
Tue/Thu 1100-1215 LS 134
Comparative Crim. Just. Systems (Web Enhanced)Prerequisites: CRIM 2. Highly recommended: CRIM 20, 100 and 170
FALL 2018 OFFICE HOURS: Tue/Thu 0800-0915; Tue 1230-1315 and as arranged
Hours may be cancelled on some days due to other commitments and also during scheduled on line exams/quizzes or when the professor has other conflicting commitments.
Changes in class meetings will be either announced in class, emailed, and/or posted on the class website http://zimmer.csufresno.edu/~haralds/crim109site.html ) and Blackboard.
No class is held on the day quizzes are scheduled.
Instructor: Harald Otto Schweizer, Ph.D. Office: S2-138
*On line
quizzes and/or exams scheduled for your section of CRIM 109 will be given on Blackboard on days indicated in the syllabus and on
this class web page. When the quiz or exam is on line, no class attendance is
necessary on the posted quiz dates. Students must take/complete the quizzes
within 72 hours of the official posting date/time. Must also have met
Upper Division Writing Requirement
ADVISING ON LINE (synchronous or asynchronous contact)
Email inquiries submitted with student ID# will be responded to within 48 hours whenever feasible, except during holidays, personal day off, out of town conferences and commitments, and/or other unanticipated events which would preclude a timely response. DARS reports will be evaluated and emailed as an attachment to students for their records. It is therefore important to provide the student ID#. _____________________________________________________________________________________
to the instructor MUST contain the student's full name and
specific class enrolled in (0930 CRIM 109 or 1100 CRIM109) along with the subject of the email clearly
stated in the SUBJECT window of the email or they may be deleted without
being read.
Internet Use is essential in
this course and computer literacy is required for all CSU students.
If you are totally unfamiliar with the use of the Internet, you should
contact the instructor for other option
All students must familiarize themselves with the University
Policy on Plagiarism and Cheating , Non-Discrimination, Disruptive
Classroom Behavior, and General Student Conduct by clicking
must also review the linked CODE
Projects will NOT be accepted in any form after the final exam date.
The course will consist of lecture, student discussions of their research, the use of audiovisual aids, and rely heavily on current and up-to-date written information available on the Internet, and articles/materials posted on Blackboard. Students are expected to already have an understanding of the American Criminal Justice System.
REQUIRED READINGS: All documents posted in the Document Section of Blackboard, including any and all powerpoints. There are weekly readings that will be identified on Blackboard.
course information will be posted or accessible on Blackboard , which you are required to access..
All quizzes are lieu of class and will be on Blackboard only.
Quizzes are posted on/before the day of the quiz and are due by the
next class meeting. That means you have several days to take each
The Final Exam is comprehensive, will
include questions from all of the past quizzes, lecture information
and information from other sources/readings designated by the instructor.
Questions will be in multiple-choice format and also require essays.
The questions will reflect the Student Learning Outcomes identified
in the course syllabus.
REQUIRED READINGS: All documents posted in the Document Section of Blackboard, including any and all powerpoints. There are weekly readings that will be identified on Blackboard. Above lecture links must also be reviewed. Powerpoints will be shown and explained in detail during lectures. This includes critical information about agencies and processes not depicted in the powerpoints.
Week |
Beginning |
Lecture topics: Some specific weekly readings are listed below |
1 |
23 Aug |
Intro to course, policies, and assignments (Discussion of documents/materials)
Read the posted syllabus and project requirements |
2 |
28 Aug |
Comparing Crime Across Countries; Corrections Internationally
Review the powerpoint on comparing crime. Read article: “Domestic crime, transnational crime and justice” Assignment of Countries for project
30 Aug on line quiz I-no class meeting |
3 |
4 Sep |
Comparing Crime-crime stats; Transntl Crime & Terrorism
Read article on “What is Terrorism” in course documents
Also article on “International Statistics on Crime and Justice” |
The International Criminal Court (ICC); ECHR; other int’l bodies; |
4 |
11 Sep |
Latin America-Police: technology, challenges, crime problems |
5 |
18 Sep |
Latin America-Police: Integrity tests, polygraph, applicant screening
Review powerpoint on Police in Latin America: Hiring |
6 |
25 Sep
Courts/Corrections-Latin America- Read the article “Judicial Power in Latin America” in documents section
On line quiz II-no class meeting |
7 |
2 Oct |
Europe-Policing: policing models, entry standards, challenges Quiz 28 Feb
Review powerpoint in Police in Europe; Police in Germany |
8 |
9 Oct |
Europe: Corrections, challenges |
9 |
16 Oct |
Europe: Legal systems- courts and prosecution Review powerpoint on Courts and Prosecutors Internationally; powerpoint on Law and Legal Traditions, also article on “Islam, Governing under Sharia”
18 Oct-on line quiz III-no class meeting |
10 |
23 Oct |
Policing-Africa, Israel; Crime problems/challenges Quiz 21 Mar
Read article: Police Station Visitors Week-Regional Report Africa
Also review powerpoint on Police in South Africa; Police in Burkina Faso |
11 |
30 Oct
Pakistan, India: Crime problems, courts, corrections and Police
Watch videos on: Mobile Court in Train; E-Court |
12 |
6 Nov |
S. Korea, Taiwan, China, Singapore: Police, Courts, Corrections
13 |
13 Nov |
Japan; Policing; Courts/Prosecution; Corrections Review Foreign Corrections Powerpoint |
14 |
20 Nov |
S. Korea: Police, Courts, Prosecution/Corrections |
22 Nov |
Thanksgiving Break |
15 |
27 Nov |
Victimization world-wide; Human Rights Read article on “Victims of Domestic Violence” in Course Documents |
16 |
4 Dec |
All projects due –midnight/one letter grade drop after and before finals |
17 |
11 Dec |
Last class meeting. Overview of course and explanation of final exam- end of regular office hours |
13 Dec |
Consultation hours: Thursday 0900-1200 for students in my classes only |
Quiz IV & V |
Dates to be set as the class progresses. Posted on BB and announced in class |
300 points- research project (to be discussed in class)
500 points- 100 points for each of five quizzes
200 points- for the final exam
1000 points total
A-900+, B-800+, C-700+, D-600+
A few extra points will be built into one or more of the quizzes. As a result, course points are not rounded up to the next higher letter grade at the end of the semester. There are no exceptions and no additional extra credit.
