"Escape trajectories are deflected when fish larvae intercept their
own C-start wake"
Journal of th Royal Society Interface
11 (2014) 20140848
G Li, U K Müller, J L
van Leeuwen, H Liu
Hydro International 18 (2014) 18-21
S Henrion, T Vercruyssen, U K Müller
Journal of Cleaner Production (in press, online: http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.jclepro.2013.09.054)
M Zehetmeier, M Gandorfer, H Hoffmann, U K Müller, I J M de Boer, A Heißenhuber
"Pectoral fin motions affect hydrodynamics of undulatory swimming in
fish larvae: a computational study"
Proceedings of the International
Symposium on Aqua Bio-Mechanisms
G Li, H Liu, U K Müller, J L
van Leeuwen
"Body dynamics and hydrodynamics of swimming fish larvae: a
computational study"
Journal of Experimental Biology
215 (2012) 4015-4033
G Li, H Liu, U K Müller, J L
van Leeuwen
Journal of Experimental Zoology A
317 (2012) 382 - 394
N Mekdara, J Goto, S Choudhury, P
Mekdara, N Yingst , Y Cao, O Berg, U
K Müller
"Swimming Hydrodynamics and Maneuverability in C-Start of Zebrafish
Larvae: An Integrated Computational Study"
ASME-JSME-KSME 2011 Joint Fluids
Engineering Conference Volume 1 (AJK2011-19020) 2059-2066
L Gen, H Liu, U K Müller, J L
van Leeuwen
"Hydrodynamic sensing does not facilitate active
drag reduction in the golden shiner (Notemigonus
Journal of Experimental Biology
213 (2010) 1 309 - 1 319 (cover
M J McHenry, K B Michel, W Stewart, and U K Müller
"Fish and flag: exploring fluid-structure
interaction during undulatory swimming in fish"
Proceedings of the International
Federation for Medical and Biological Engineering 31 (2010) 44 - 47
U K Müller, A Wasim, E
Fontaine, O Berg, Y Cao, D
Lentink, S
Kranenbarg, J L van Leeuwen
"An un-momentous start in life: Can hydrodynamics explain why fish
change swimming style?"
Journal of Biomedical Science and
Engineering 4 (2009) 37
- 53
U K Müller, J L van Leeuwen, S
van Duin, H Liu
"Computation of self-propelled swimming in larval
‘Fish Swimming’ Journal of
Biomedical Science and
Engineering 4 (2009) 54
- 66
Y Katamata, U K Müller,
H Liu
visual tracking for studying the ontogeny of zebrafish swimming"
Journal of Experimental Biology
211 (2008) 1 305 - 1 316
E Fontaine, D Lentink, S Kranenbarg, U
K Müller,
J L van Leeuwen, A H Barr, J W Burdick
"Flow patterns of
larval fish: undulatory swimming in the intermediate flow regime"
Journal of Experimental Biology
211 (2008) 196 - 205 (Cover
U K Müller, J G M van den
Boogaart., J L van Leeuwen
"Muscle and swimming" (invited book chapter)
U K Müller
In: Fish
larval physiology, R.N. Finn and B.G. Kapoor, eds.
(Science Publishers Inc.,
Enfield, USA, 2008)
Nature 446 (2007) 1 082 - 1 085
D Lentink, U K Müller,
E J Stamhuis, R de Kat., W van Gestel,
L L M Veldhuis, P Henningsson,
A Hedenström, J J Videler, J L van Leeuwen
"Undulatory fish swimming: from muscles to flow"
Fish and Fisheries 7 (2006) 84 - 103
U K Müller and J L
van Leeuwen
"Syringeal muscles fit the trill in ring doves"
Journal of Experimental Biology
209 (2006) 965 - 977
C P H Elemans, I L Y Spierts, M Hendriks, H Schipper, U K Müller, J L van Leeuwen
"Eel migration to the Sargasso: remarkably high
swimming efficiency and low energy costs"
Journal of Experimental Biology
208 (2005) 1 329 - 1 335
V van Ginneken, E Antonissen, U K Müller,
R Booms, E Eding, J Verreth, G van den Thillard
"Swimming of larval zebrafish: ontogeny of body
waves and implications for locomotory development"
Journal of Experimental Biology
207 (2004) 853 - 868
U K Müller and J L van Leeuwen
"Superfast muscles control dove’s trill"
Nature 431 (2004) 146
C P H Elemans, I L Y Spierts, U K Müller,
J L van Leeuwen, F Goller
"Turning on a dime"
Science 306 (2004) 1 899 - 1 900
U K Müller and D Lentink
"Power at the tip of the
Science 304 (2004) 217
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U K Müller and S Kranenbarg
"Fish 'n' Flag"
Science 302 (2003) 1 511 - 1 512
U K Müller
"Riding the waves: the role of the body wave in
undulatory fish swimming"
Integratinve and Comparative Biology
42 (2002) 981 - 987
U K Müller, E J
Stamhuis, J J Videler
"The scaling and structure of aquatic animal wakes"
Integratinve and Comparative Biology
42 (2002) 988 - 996
J J Videler, E J
Stamhuis, U K
"Applying digital particle image velocimetry to
animal-generated flows: Traps, hurdles, and cures in mapping steady and
unsteady flows in Re regimes between 10-2 and 105"
Experiments in Fluids 33 (2002) 801 - 813
Stamhuis, J J Videler, L A van Duren, U
K Müller
"How the body contributes to the wake in undulatory
fish swimming: flow fields of a swimming eel (Anguilla anguilla)"
Journal of Experimental Biology
204 (2001) 2 751 - 2 762
U K Müller, J Smit, E J
Stamhuis, J J Videler
"Hydrodynamics of unsteady fish swimming and the
effects of body size: comparing fish larvae and adults"
Journal of Experimental Biology
203 (2000) 193 - 206
U K Müller, E J
Stamhuis, J J Videler
"Aquatic Vertebrate Locomotion: wakes from body
Journal of Experimental Biology
202 (1999) 3 423 - 3 430
J J Videler, U K Müller, E J
"Fish foot prints continuously swimming mullet (Chelon labrosus)"
Journal of Experimental Biology
200 (1997) 2 893 - 2 906
U K Müller, B L E van den
Heuvel, E J
Stamhuis, J J
"Inertia as a “safe harbour”: do fish larvae
increase length growth to escape viscous drag?"
Reviews in Fishery and Fish Biology
6 (1996) 353 - 360
U K Müller, J
J Videler