

Academic Publications

35. The Structure of Argentine Tango, The Journal of Mathematic and the Arts, July 16, 2018, pages 225-243.


33. Exposure to Online Classes as a Determinant of Student Perceptions, The Coastal Business Journal, volume 12, number 1, Spring 2013.

32. Do On-Line Students Cheat?, Business and Education Review, volume 13, 2010.

31. Distance Learning from Multiple Perspectives, presented at the Global Finance conference (Melbourne, Australia, April 1-4, 2007), and also published in the conference Proceedings.

30. "A Systems Approach to Online Education", accepted at the Third International Conference on Systems Thinking in Management, May 19-21, 2004, Philadelphia, and also published in the conference Proceedings.

29. "Distance Learning: From How-To to Why-To and When-To", presented at the Western DSI (Decision Science Institute) conference (Manzanillo, Mexico April 13-17, 2004), and also published in the conference Proceedings.

28. Exploring the Demographics of Online Security Concerns, presented at the Western DSI (Decision Science Institute) conference (Kauai, Hawaii April 15-19, 2003), and also published in the conference Proceedings.

27. Transaction Processing Systems, commissioned by, and published in, the International Encyclopedia of MIS, Academic Press, 2003.

26. Exploring the Linkages between Information Systems Capabilities and Business Variables, presented at the Western DSI (Decision Science Institute) conference (Las Vegas, April 2-6, 2002), and also published in the conference Proceedings.

25. ING Barings: A Case Study in Global Information Systems, presented at the Western DSI (Decision Science Institute) conference (Vancouver, Canada April 3-7, 2001), and also published in the conference Proceedings.

24. Dell Computer in China: Lessons for Global I.S., presented at the Western DSI (Decision Science Institute) conference (Maui, April 18-22, 2000), and also published in the conference Proceedings.

23. Information Systems Development and Music: The Exploration of a Parallelism, Leonardo: The International Journal for the Integration of Music, Art, Science, and Technology, MIT Press, volume 7, no. 12, November 1999.

22. Management Information Systems Education from A Systemic Viewpoint, Systems Practice and Action Research, volume 12, no. 4, August 1999.

21. "Information Systems and Music: Exploring Common Developmental Features", presented at the Western DSI (Decision Science Institute) conference (Puerto Vallarta, Mexico, April 6-10, 1999), and also published in the conference Proceedings.

20. "The Development of A Multimedia Module for an MIS Course" presented at the Western DSI (Decision Science Institute) conference (Reno, April 7-11, 1998), and also published in the Proceedings.

19. "MIS and the Intellectual Legacy of Russell Ackoff: A Radical Critique", presented at the Systems Approach: The New Generation conference (Wharton School, University of Pennsylvania, February 1998), and published in the Proceedings.

18. Global Infopreneurship: The Virtual Value Chain and the World Wide Web, presented at the Third Annual Global Finance Conference in Hawaii, April 1996, and published in the Proceedings.

17. A Multimedia CD-ROM for Teaching MIS, developed for use at the Craig School of Business (1997).

16. "Management Information Systems: Learning Exercises and Applications", Prentice Hall, 1995.

Look up this book at:      Amazon        Prentice-Hall 

15. "Management Information Systems: Learning Exercises and Applications, Instructor's Manual", Prentice Hall, 1995.

14. Automation Design: Its Human Problems, Systems Practice, volume 3, no. 1, February 1990.

13. Conceptual Feedback Effects in Information Systems Design, Journal of Systems Management, October 1989.

12. Effectiveness vs. Efficiency: Operations Research in a New Light, in Operational Research and the Social Sciences, Plenum Publishing Company, April 1989.

11. Toward an Information-Based Theory of Irrational Systems Behavior, Systems Research, volume 6, #1, April 1989.

10. "Information Systems Design as an Iterative Process", presented at the 32nd Annual meeting of the ISSS (St. Louis, June 1988), and also published in the Proceedings.

9. "Design for Automation: The Mind Enhancing the Mind", published in the Proceedings of the 31st ISSS Annual Meeting, Budapest, June 1987.

8. The Boomerang Effect: A Design Principle for Human Action Systems, published in Design Inquiry, volume I, International Systems Institute, 1987.

7. "The Boomerang Effect: A Design Principle for Human Action Systems", presented at the 30th Annual meeting of the ISSS (Philadelphia, May 1986), and also published in the Proceedings.

6. Parameters of Competition and the Variety of Strategic Alternatives, presented at the Midwest Business Administration Association, Chicago, March 1985, and also published in the Proceedings.

5. "Human Rationality as a Behavioral Postulate", presented at the 29th Annual Meeting of the ISSS (Los Angeles, May 1985), and also published in the Proceedings.

4. The Hierarchy of Objectives: Toward an Integrating Construct in Systems Science, published in Systems Research, volume 2, number 3, 1985.

3. A Management Scientist's Unfashionable Concept of Change, published in the M.B.A. Quarterly, volume 6, number 3, Fall, 1984.

2. "Who is Bounded in Bounded Rationality: The Observer or the Decision-Maker?" presented at the 16th Annual Conference of the American Institute for Decision Sciences (Toronto, November 1984), and also published in the Proceedings.

1. "A Systems Approach to Systems Approaches", presented at the 28th Annual Meeting of the ISSS (New York, May 1984), and also published in the Proceedings.


Popular Publications

The following are op ed pieces and letters published in the Fresno Bee.

1. January 18, 1997: Dear God: we have questions about questions (creationism vs. evolution)

2. February 7, 1998: We must reach out to embrace beauty in all faiths (misleading title; my reflections on religion)

3. April 10, 1999: Rotary club's good works stretch around the world (report on the Group Study Exchange trip to India)

4. July 14, 1999: Veritable success of Philharmonic depends on many (the Raymond Harvey controversy)

5. September 2, 2001: Run the tape (Gary Condit)

6. January 10, 2002: People to machines (critique of Islam)

7. August 10, 2002: Is the killer sick or evil? Science says he's evil (a scientific conception of evil)

8. May 24, 2004: Their own medicine (the Abu Ghraib episode)

9. May 11, 2006: Holding us back (English as the only language of USA)

10. July 11, 2007: Paying the price (corruption at CSUF athletics affecting academics)

11. September 30, 2007: Shameful performance (the president of Columbia University inviting Ahmadinejad)

12. November 22, 2007: Where's the faculty? (apathy of CSUF faculty about their president)

13. March 12, 2008: CSU won't learn (inappropriateness of campus presidents making decisions about international travels)

14. May 13, 2008: Welty's damage (what "Fresno State Powering the New California" has come to really mean)

15. September 22, 2008: Universal Prayers (why "God Bless America" is not an exclusionary, Christian prayer)

16. June 4, 2009: Equality in Words (why gay "civil union" should not be called "marriage")

17. August 20, 2009: Pick a plan, any plan (Why Obama's health care plan success depends upon its details)


......................... Meet Our Letter Writers - August 23, 2009 ............................


18. November 20, 2009: Let's test lawmakers (why lawmakers should not be allowed to vote on a bill unless they pass a test on its contents)

19. March 13, 2010: Iranian Perspective (reaction to criticism of Victor Davis Hanson for not telling the truth about America’s past wrongdoings in the Middle East)

20. July 21, 2011: Orientation and achievement (excellence knows no sexual orientation)

21. April 29, 2012: Looking to the future (why Romney driving his dog on the roof of his car will not matter)

22. March 12, 2013: Suggestions for Letter Writers (recommended guidelines for Fresno Bee letters)

23. March 7, 2014: The Post-Modern Recipe (the fast track to sounding open minded and enlightened)

24. July 14, 2014: Pledge of Allegiance Debate

25. November 8, 2014: Focus on Excellence in Education, Not Race or Gender

26. July 11, 2015: Use present to improve the future (fanning the fires of a bygone, unchangeable past)

27. September 10, 2016: Protesting is so much easier than actual work (sitting through a public performance of the national anthem)

28. May 6, 2017: Breaking news! #Moses drops #TenCommandments in May surprise (If the Ten Commandments had come about in this day and age)

Direct Link:

29. June 15, 2018: Religious freedom vs. equal treatment goes beyond just buying a cake (designing a cake for a gay wedding)